Multi boxing is fine eh?

At this point I would be too afraid to even have a second account put my main on follow, for fear of even the appearance of using automation.

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That’s the point.

big “human paladin” energy here :roll_eyes:


Go back, and look harder. They mention both automation, and anything that “streamlines” multibotting. It’s very obvious that their original policy change was meant to throttle multibotting, but that community just can’t help but try and find loopholes to cheat.

So now, the policy is so open ended that it’s done, game is over. Simple reading of the policy makes any multibotting a game of waiting to be reported by enough people that you get banned.

We can sit here and argue all day, but no, alt tabbing or manually clicking windows is not stream-lining anything and will not get you banned.

Streamline: make (an organization or system) more efficient and effective by employing faster or simpler working methods.

Alt-tabbing/clicking manually is the baseline, streamlining it would be anything faster than/more efficient than that.


You are wrong.


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The baseline is having two computers, with two keyboards, and two mice.


Look, this was updated 4 hours ago, multiboxing the normal way (clicking/alt tabbing) is perfectly fine


Multiple PC’s and sitting on a wheeled chair going from computer to computer is hardware.

Relying on /follow, which is fine… but using that /follow to then use alt tab to loot resource nodes multiple times would fall under software.

Stop cheating and you won’t get banned. Keep trying to find loopholes and they’ll just update the rules again so that nothing can be done by anyone.


I won’t be banned ever.

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When I played 2 accounts I would have a laptop next to my keyboard and just reach over and click certain buttons setup as “assist” , “follow” , “heal”. Prehistoric techniques. :laughing:

lmao If you are alt tabbing into a second client and basically playing another client the same way you are playing the first, is that really even “multiboxing?”

“or streamline multiboxing in any way may result in account penalties.”

So like I said, anything that makes multibotting easier, is now going to risk your accounts. Be honest, get a computer and keyboard for each account you want to use. Or keep looking for loopholes to maintain an unfair advantage.

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Cool, that’s what the other guy said 6 months ago about hardware. Keep digging your own grave.


It’s not like multiboxing has an official definition but most just refer to it as playing multiple clients concurrently, so it is I suppose.

I don’t care what anyone said. I been multiboxing since Vanilla and will always be multiboxing.


It’s not streamlining lol, you can ask blizzard yourself if you want, but it’s not using external programs or hardware to do anything, or they going to ban you for using windows now.

Wow okay, I feel like that is really grasping for straws but hey if someone out there still finds that fun then have at it I guess.

I only use one account at a time, so I’ll be fine.

It’s still extremely efficient to farm herbs/ore even with the limitations, you manually click on 6 windows in like 4/5 seconds.

All the combat multiboxing is essentially dead though.