You didn’t say it, but you implied it. Either way, my recommendation to you is the next time, show somebody something undeniable. Show them some logs of a guy wearing “475” gear and the same guy wearing like 400 gear on a test dummy. If the numbers are super close, the opposition cannot deny your claim. If the numbers are grossly different, then they may be right.
This is a true statement. I have seen players buy gear in the past and not be able to do much with it.
Why am I the one who has to jump through hoops to show proof while you let Poize make up whatever ridiculous claims they want?
This sounds oddly familiar.
Sounds fun! I did get my team to 60 they were around 20. So, it has gone pretty well so far.
Idiotic claims are made all the time. Those who want to “debunk” things tend to be more towards the smarter side of the population. But to do so, you need something tangible, not making blanket statements then liking your posts with your alts.
I personally know from experience that the difference 75 item levels can make can be a game changer. But from the situation they described, only real math will prove it wrong, not theories and conjecture.
Sure, if you have all pieces at 475. But there’s only a few slots that can be covered by BOEs and you’re not always going to have a choice of what is well itemized and/or has a useful corruption on it. We’re talking about a difference of average item level of maybe 10 points or so. And that’s assuming the person with 400 gear somehow never gets any upgrades of their own.
And that’s still conjecture.
You’re assuming and guessing.
How did it change your game? How many slots did you purchase?
Have you played retail at all or even done anything in BfA?
Bad players are not going to turn into gods just because they have better gear. It will make it easier for them but bad players are still bad. Gear does not usually negate skill in pvp, except for broken nonsense, and gear does not negate mechanics in pve unless you completely outgear the content. You are either trolling or have no idea what you’re talking about.
Of course I have. That’s why I said that I know what 75 item levels can do. Heck, you get 430 from M0 and what do you get from M15? Can’t survive in M15 decked in M0 gear.
Ever heard of twinking?
Yep, I twinked pretty hardcore in the 19 and 59 bracket for years. I’ve demolished geared twinks who are horrible on twinks that I just started gearing.
Might wanna reread what I said when I said:
So yeah, bad arcane mages could 1 shot skilled players, but that’s part of the broken stuff.
In the end, bad players are still bad and gear will not help them unless they go with broken nonsense that eventually gets fixed and they are back to being bad anyway.
I think it’s funny you guys all show up at around the same time ( #samePersonTheory), I’ve been waiting all night for a new multiboxing thread but everyone wants to complain about ripcord instead Q_Q
Hey, Kaurmine! Are we the same person?
I do not believe you are being honest here.
Many of the hardcore/competitive twinks I’ve met/talked to are horrible at the game. They prove that gear can make a bad player better. They can click/keyboard turn and dominate.
Now, while lower levels are not tuned like higher levels so there are more extremes there, the point still stands that gear can make bad people appear good. That’s true in any MMO.
I click around all the time. It’s funny how many people actually do this. Raider IO threads, multiboxing threads and the CS forum are hugely full of people who agree with themselves on their alts/like their own posts. They forget that they can hide their profile, even click the checkbox that makes it only show achievements that character earned but their collections don’t change
I hope someone can find my alt one day!
Of course, just spin around to my other computer when I want to comment as Orctang
That’s so weird I couldn’t do it lol It would bug me if I were to be dishonest like that but I guess they may not get that feeling because to them the point IS to deceive so they are being honest with themselves just not us.
I still say Blizz should make the wow forums like the Overwatch forums where it’s your battle tag name but I also understand why we post as our characters.
The other side to that is the multiboxers (here we are, in such a thread). They can use their extra accounts to agree with themselves and will not have the same collections or achievements.
You can usually spot these guys because
- They’ll almost always show up at the exact same times.
- They have the same syntax.
- They follow similar patterns, such as always tossing in an insult to every post, use the same logical fallacies, etc.
I don’t really care what you believe, tbh. I’m not here to convince you, or any of these other guys on the forum, anything. I’m simply here to discuss things.
it makes life easier for them, sure, it doesn’t turn them into gods unless they are playing an arcane mage in 19’s. If you play an arcane mage in 19’s you’re probably horrible anyway and that’s why you are on a one button insta-win class. take a non-insta win class of ANY level and they are not going to do much when they are up against a much better player.
Take a LFR-skill player and throw them into a heroic raid, no matter their gear, and see what they do. We’ve already seen what ilvl inflation does, it brings masses to the forum to complain about not being invited to groups. they think they belong in groups that are well above their skill lvl simply because they have a high ilvl.
gear does not negate skill or mechanics in the overwhelming vast majority of cases.