Multi boxing is fine eh?

I wouldn’t since I pay for my game time and subs using cold hard cash :moneybag: :slight_smile:

That wouldn’t be a bad idea and have them battle each other in BG’s.

Inflammatory trolling comments get flagged as trolling, yeah.

It’s hilarious.

They can’t even get their arguments straight.

“multiboxxers help prevent gouging…” okay?
“multiboxxers don’t impact the economy much…” so which is it?

The funny part is they don’t help with gouging and they also hurt the economy.


And? They’re wrong as well.

BfA has happened with multiboxing being “out of control” as so many anti-multiboxers like to say and yet the prices at the start of the expansion didn’t crash into the dirt.

Also? Do you have even a single shred of proof that there is an uptick in the multiboxing population? No? Just more fearmongering from someone who can’t even come up with a real argument.

Honestly, OP - why make a thread and then use a video of someone who DISAGREES WITH YOU to try to prove your agenda?
Multiboxing, although annoying, is rare to this degree and is not against any rules. Stop playing the game if you’re this hurt over it.

Well, if

Then I suppose mine is as accurate and reasonable as your preferred definition, then. Which still makes it P2W.

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The people defending multiboxxers are are ignorant of the damage they’re doing to the game, or benefitting from the MB themselves, whether it be directly or indirectly.

Foresight is not strong with them.


Which is approximately zero. Actual cheaters cause damage to the game.

It’s amazing how something that has existed for the entire life of the game, which is so dangerous to the game, has so far not managed to actually cause any harm to the game.


No, I think it’s the stock argument everyone uses in warmode threads lol

Both sides mock, neither is right.

Because it isn’t :man_shrugging: how is it?

I can’t, trash pvper, that’s why I don’t do wpvp

You can’t, but I just don’t see that as a massive advantage, difference of opinion

It means I can’t confirm nor deny that there’s been an increase in multiboxing, can you? Do you have numbers? Where did you get them?

I started in BC, didn’t see a multiboxer till wrath and it was one. Some people here say they rarely ever see them :man_shrugging:

No I didn’t, you inferred it.


I didn’t say that

I don’t :slight_smile:

You literally just provided me proof lol

Stop trying to throw fearmongering around as a buzzword to do the heavy lifting for you without backing up anything you’re saying.

You get 5x more herbs and up to 8x more mob drops by paying for additional accounts. The fact you can sustain it with gold now or don’t have to farm that much anymore doesn’t mean anything.
That is an obviously an advantage, don’t play dumb it’s clear what was being talked about.

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Hm, guess I can’t be curious to see if multiboxers will have an effect on the economy at the start of an expansion :thinking: very well then.

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I haven’t done any such thing.

Stop fearmongering and I’ll stop using the term. But that would require that you come up with a real argument against multiboxing.


There you go! I like it, multiboxing is p2w in Quirrels opinion and I don’t disagree that that’s her opinion

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Man you guys are flying with the replies, I’m going to be sad when you all go to sleep :frowning:

No they don’t. My characters get exactly what other characters get. Mine aren’t special.

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loots 1 node 5 times

you know I never thought of it that way, multiboxers don’t actually get more they get the same amount per account as everyone else, hm.

What Yesuna is saying is, despite having more accounts none of them is looting 20 herbs per node per account, they are all looting the same amount as everyone else.

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