Moving the Kaldorei off Kalimdor completes the Horde's attempt at genocide instead of safeguarding against it

Allies helping to secure borders isn’t occupation. That’s a pretty basic concept to grasp before joining this conversation and is pretty indicative of your overall comprehension of the topic.


This, TBH ^^^


That is 100% valid but look sometimes art imitates life. Some stories can’t have perfect endings.

Blizzard’s writers took us here, they set the precedent and what they did is depressing as hell.
But there is really no solution on a meta level or lore level currently that would let NEs stay on Kalimdor and thrive while the Horde threat is still present

The locals around US military bases would disagree but what do I know. Its not like I read an article every couple months about some US soldiers committing some crime abd getting transfered off somewhere else

I’m going to be perfectly blunt; Even without taking into consideration the new tree not being planted on the Dragon Isles, a new tree at all makes the Night Elves, at least to me, look like fools.

Teldrassil: Destroyed, before that it initially faced corruption thanks to a lack of Aspect blessings.
Vordrassil: Destroyed, before that corrupted.
Shaladrassil: Corrupted
The unnamed tree in the Emerald Nightmare raid in the Un’goro zone: Corrupted

Nordrassil and (so far) Amirdrassil are the exceptions to this.


That’s why this game’s conclusion for the Kaldorei is so depressing. Even in fiction those who are victims of genocide have to forgive, move away and pray that their gods are kind. That’s so depressing on a meta level, but I guess I get your point, and it makes me think - Is it a failure of imagination or a fear from corporate of showing the victims of genocide winning against their oppressors that create a bad precedence especially when we consider the real world.


Ok. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to take from that. I agreed already they can make that choice.

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only after 2 straight xpacs of players begging for that story to be resolved.

We did eventually get the content, but damn it took a while for them to be bothered to follow up on what should’ve been a pretty immediate storyline after teldrassil.


There IS though. They have shown they will bend the narrative and lore to fit their agenda, so why can’t their agenda be the Horde not being completely genocidal scum?

That’s the direction they’ve been writing them in for the past 20 years but for some reason they just can’t stop writing villains into the Horde because they are choosing not to.


There is no amount of bending that is possible to fix the current problem.

Look its simple.
Either the Horde goes or the Night Elves goes. There is literally nothing else that is possible.

So far the Horde Council seems to be fixing the constant Horde villain-bats. Guess the reason why the Horde started wars back to back was because the title of their overall leader, the Warchief had war in the name or something. :person_shrugging:

Granted, I’d prefer both the wars to never be started in the first place and our characters remaining Horde and not becoming raid bosses. But. I’ll take what I can get.

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Okay, so I’m going to highlight a large difference here:

The Gnomes lose their homeland. They are immediately given a lot of support and respect in the homes of their long-time allies, and despite always having been written as having minimal resources or numbers, they get to launch a plan eight years later to take back their homeland. We never get to see Gnomeregan reclaimed, but we’re told it is.

The Night Elves lose their capital city. They are on paper a decentralized warrior people who call the entire continent they’re on their homeland, but this follows them losing a large fraction of their ancestral lands to support the same polity that was responsible for them losing their capital city. Nothing happens to this polity, but Night Elves are basically shown in story accepting the loss and walking away despite having previously been militarily capable of handling the forces opposing them, to say nothing of their allies.

The first is an example of providing support to a people visited by tragedy, the second is just like… you want to pretend there was none in the first place. Which Blizzard probably DOES want to pretend, because it’s a defecation of a book-end to a story that was utter crap in the first place, one which strove to cover heavy subjects and has only handled them badly time after time.


They are establishing their capital in the isles for sure, at the very least. They even used up the only water from the temple of darnassus to bless and create a new moonwell at what will eventually be the city’s heart. You basically get to witness the city’s founding.

I will say this is the most…uh… clerical? I think I have ever seen Tyrande be. They rarely show religious rituals of any sort so it was kinda fascinating.


I really just do not understand, honestly, the combination of Forsaken retaking the Undercity followed by Night Elves taking… a different location in a different region altogether. This aspect’s a really unforced error.


And that’s not an acceptable choice?

it’s not consistent with prior night elf writing

it’s not consistent with current or prior Tyrande writing

it’s not consistent with every expansion from BC (if you include the Sunwell Plateau) trying to end on some big uncontroversial moral point sold with bombast

if you are inclined to read the story with any seriousness it says that you can attempt a genocide and as long as you sort of promise never to do it again you won’t face real consequences for it and in fact your victims will applaud you for coming to help them resettle

I am not inclined to read the story in this way so it doesn’t bother me all that much, but I mean, the reason I’m not inclined to read the story in that way is that I have the absolute rock bottom lowest expectations for the story of any poster on this forum and I clap most times the plot doesn’t make me regret the fact that I am fluent in the English language. It’s not like they intended for me to get the signal ‘don’t take this serious’.


They hate night elves so much that they’ve been flooding the last two expacs with Night Elf content, gave us some killer Night Elf armor transmogs in the Darkshore battleground. and have been dishing regular helpings of guilt on Horde players for Teldrassil.

Here’s the tiny violin you’re missing.


Blizzard thinks thats what this is lmao.

It’s fascinating how blizzard starts writing stuff like this only when it’s completely out of line with the beliefs or traditions of the people.


You contributed nothing to the overall thread by responding to that single comment.


I guess I’m not sure how that relates to the conversation I was having.

If it’s not consistent with prior characterization or prior goals of the writing that seems like a pretty good reason for it not to be acceptable.