Moving the Kaldorei off Kalimdor completes the Horde's attempt at genocide instead of safeguarding against it

Smh this is what happens when you raise a generation to believe the world is a happy balanced place.

Welcome to war. its in the name. world of warcraft. sometimes bad people win.
Tragedy exists.

Leaving is an existential threat to them, as I have laid out.

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It sounds like you didn’t read my post at all. The genocide happening isn’t the concerning part, it’s the messages they send surrounding the genocide and the way they attempt to downplay it.


… And the probable new default leveling zone for all players going forward, don’t forget.

Addressed that in my post.

Tyrande, Malfurion, and several other NPCs call Amirdrassil their “new home” and ALL available evidence so far points to Amirdrassil emerging from the Dream into the Dragon Isles.

Amirdrassil has bloomed beyond the confines of the Dream. Let us venture to the Dragon Isles and see where this new World Tree has taken root.

That won’t have Amirdrassil available because it’s tied to a raid quest and even if that wasn’t the case - no reason to go there while levelling or after.

Not to mention TWW will replace it in Midnight no doubt.

I said canonically because up until recently, that is how it’s been portrayed in dialogue, novels, and other lore.

I wouldn’t bother. Sounds like a ‘they deserved it’ kinda fellow.


Housing is coming Soon TM.
When it arrives you and all night elves will have a place to call home. :heart_eyes:

Serious its been almost 10 years of NIght elves getting content, I’m sick of njght elves fans never being satisfied with anything.
Yeah teldrassil never should have happened they it happened, but it has. We need to remember this is two factions game, and the horde is the most populated of the two.
This is the best outcome we could have had to close this whole burning tree ordeal.

Be glad you have a home in the dragon isles and in kalimdor. You have never lost nordrasil nor the lands you took back after bfa.

Your situation is far better than most races in this game. Let us hope that the next 3 expansion we get the bare minimum of night elves and tyrande. So you guys can stop complaining.

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Well canonically it’s been retconned and now nothing bad happens.

I’m not sure how you think moving a group of people across an ocean and then almost the entire width of a continent away from their home means that the very same people who invaded MULTIPLE times to plunder their resources AND commit genocide will not then move in and do what they have historically.


Easy—we know that random Night Elf civilian shopkeepers almost held off the combined armies of the entire Horde. Just station a couple of Night Elf army units on Kalimdor and they’ll be fine.

Not in the way of the Horde eradicating their entire race. They will still live in a manner

I think the reason why, factual or not, people feel as if night elves have been pushed off of Kalimdor is for the simple reason that their “replacement capital” of sorts simply isn’t located in Kalimdor anymore. It’s the whole reason why people have been concerned about that seed’s location ever since 10.0 dropped.

What’s seen and experienced is going to leave a larger impact on players over what’s told. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter if the night elves have a ton of invisible settlements all over Kalimdor that aren’t important enough to be added to the game. What players DO see are their original “home base” characters that you expect to find in a racial capital - vendors, fishing trainers, etc. - being relocated to some far-off island and talking about the place being their new home.

That’ll always carry more weight with players than any “well actually” lore statements can.


Very true, in the end the thing that matters is where is the big shiny new city going to be.
Assuming anyone is getting a new shiny city anywhere. I would not be surprised where forsaken or night elves live will only be spoken about rather than shown.

Having said that anything is better than moving back to Kalimdor where the Horde can roll right up whenever they want to finish what they started.

Nothing stops the Horde from doing what they did already if they stayed in Kalimdor.

I am so exhausted from all these years of night elf threads. I’ve never seen such a whiny bunch of people.


It’s implied most of those settlements have been destroyed from Warcraft 3 where the villages were raided for boats, and then in World of Warcraft to BFA - Ashenvale has been repeatedly sieged and ravaged by the Horde, Elements, and Demons.

Then Teldrassil happened and Darkshore. The only major locations are Winterspring and Feralas. The former capital became neutral for Druids to hangout in. The Night Elves have almost no presence lore wise and that’s a huge problem considering the whole point of Kaldorei being so angry is that they wanted to defend Kalimdor and be of Kalimdor. Now most will move to Amirdrassil. The small population in Val’sharah and Suramar area. Then we have what? A loss of the future replacement capital as future generation of Kaldorei will have less and less desire to return to Kalimdor. Imagine if your parents or grandparents moved to a new continent and you’re their child or grandchild. The connection you’d have to their original homeland becomes less and less important to you. Given enough time you and your family stop identifying of this original homeland and identify as people of this new land. That’s what’s happening and man that hurts. Especially if IRL you’re a descendant of a refugee.


Genocide does not have to be a complete eradication of a people for it to qualify as genocide. See: every historical genocide I can think of off the top of my head.


Then you’ll be happy to know that you don’t need to read any NE related post! what a shocker! you can rest assured your presence won’t be missed.


So what you’re saying is victims of genocide should reward the perpetrators and allow them to ethnically cleanse their people?