Movement and mounted speeds incorrect

Another huge bug to add to this list is druid movement speeds and mounted speeds

From later in the thread

Current mount speed calculations are incorrect. They are only boosting speed by 9% totaling 209% on an epic mount. This is incorrect.

Confirmed on Thottbot: web._archive._org/web/20060428103436/_thottbot._com/?sp=13947

What the previous post (and those above it which are also written in mathematical terms) is trying to say is that the 3 modifers of 3% increase to mount speed are cumulative. Meaning each one increases your speed by 3% of what your current speed already is, regardless of what other modifiers are present.
160% x 3% = 164%
164% x 3% = 168%
168% x 3% = 174%

Likewise, 200% x 9% = 218%

I have tried all three on mount and epic mount.
This are the results.
Gloves 2%
carrot 3%
Spurs 4%

riding speed mount 160%
epic mount 200%

equipt all 3 is 2+3+4= 9%
used on mount it is 9%x1,6= 14,4%
In Titan bar you see 160%+14,4%= 175%

used on epic it is 9%x2,0= 18%
In Titan bar you see 200%+18%= 218%
(ps sometimes i see 219%)

Travel form should stack with the PVP set bonus which is being added soon.

the bonus should be 1.4*1.15 = 161% movement speed

With the PVP set bonus, this would be 1.4 * 1.15 = 161% which is faster than people on normal mounts. This is working properly

From Wowiki:

Druid and Shaman travel forms also exhibit this multiplicative stacking; the 15% increase they receive from the [PvP-Rare] set yielding a total SUSTAINED speed of 161%.

This would be better suited in the Bug Report forum.

But I wonder… why do you care?


Hahahaha lmao

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Obviously that’s where I meant to post this

but a better question is why do I care more than someone with an active subscription

Posts from patch 1.8 in 2005 disagree with you. There’s pretty detailed information on what minor speed works with on druids.

In vanilla it only worked in human form, cat form (when talented speed increase is not in effect), and bear form. It didn’t stack when sprinting, or with other movespeed increases like pursuit of justice, cheetah aspect, etc.


Ok so I did some deeper digging.

You’re right for the part regarding cheetah, for now.

The PVP set isn’t out yet, and for some reason we don’t have a beta to test it. BUT here’s where the concern comes in.

Current mount speed calculations are incorrect. They are only boosting speed by 9% totaling 209% on an epic mount. This is incorrect.

Confirmed on Thottbot: web._archive._org/web/20060428103436/_thottbot._com/?sp=13947

What the previous post (and those above it which are also written in mathematical terms) is trying to say is that the 3 modifers of 3% increase to mount speed are cumulative. Meaning each one increases your speed by 3% of what your current speed already is, regardless of what other modifiers are present.
160% x 3% = 164%
164% x 3% = 168%
168% x 3% = 174%

Likewise, 200% x 9% = 218%

I have tried all three on mount and epic mount.
This are the results.
Gloves 2%
carrot 3%
Spurs 4%

riding speed mount 160%
epic mount 200%

equipt all 3 is 2+3+4= 9%
used on mount it is 9%x1,6= 14,4%
In Titan bar you see 160%+14,4%= 175%

used on epic it is 9%x2,0= 18%
In Titan bar you see 200%+18%= 218%
(ps sometimes i see 219%)

So as we see, the game is incorrectly calculating boosts multiplicatively. So when the PVP set is added, that 15% increase will almost certainly be 140% + 15% = 155% which is incorrect. The correct speed would be

1.4 * 1.15 = 161%

This is also confirmed by:


Enchant + PvP Set* = Travel form 161%

So no. Mount speed is confirmed incorrect. And because of this, we can infer that the PVP set bonus increase will also be incorrect.

However, I can admit I’m wrong on FS and minor speed stacking w travel or cat

It’s not obvious because you posted it here.

This isn’t a better question. The answer is: you shouldn’t care about tiny bugs in a game you no longer play.
If Super Smash Bros has a flaw, I’m not going to go post online about it

Obviously the sub is still active

LOL another ludicrous definition of HUGE … /shakeshead

I mean if the very act of moving your character isn’t correct I would call that pretty massive

But there’s plenty more bugs if you’d like to go over them lmfao

Maybe they like the game and want the bugs fixed so they can come back to play it without as much frustration? Wish more people would push for bug fixes instead of just shrugging their shoulders and saying “whatever”.

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