Another huge bug to add to this list is druid movement speeds and mounted speeds
From later in the thread
Current mount speed calculations are incorrect. They are only boosting speed by 9% totaling 209% on an epic mount. This is incorrect.
Confirmed on Thottbot: web._archive._org/web/20060428103436/_thottbot._com/?sp=13947
What the previous post (and those above it which are also written in mathematical terms) is trying to say is that the 3 modifers of 3% increase to mount speed are cumulative. Meaning each one increases your speed by 3% of what your current speed already is, regardless of what other modifiers are present.
160% x 3% = 164%
164% x 3% = 168%
168% x 3% = 174%
Likewise, 200% x 9% = 218%
I have tried all three on mount and epic mount.
This are the results.
Gloves 2%
carrot 3%
Spurs 4%riding speed mount 160%
epic mount 200%equipt all 3 is 2+3+4= 9%
used on mount it is 9%x1,6= 14,4%
In Titan bar you see 160%+14,4%= 175%used on epic it is 9%x2,0= 18%
In Titan bar you see 200%+18%= 218%
(ps sometimes i see 219%)
Travel form should stack with the PVP set bonus which is being added soon.
the bonus should be 1.4*1.15 = 161% movement speed
With the PVP set bonus, this would be 1.4 * 1.15 = 161% which is faster than people on normal mounts. This is working properly
From Wowiki:
Druid and Shaman travel forms also exhibit this multiplicative stacking; the 15% increase they receive from the [PvP-Rare] set yielding a total SUSTAINED speed of 161%.