Mouseover changes in 9.1?

Hello all! My general thanks and appreciation to this community for all the great posts over the years!

Apologies: I know that this subject has been posted many many times. I have used search on the forum, and in google and just can’t quite figure out what is going on with my macros.

Backstory: I took time off from the game for many years and recently returned at the end of BFA. Most of my old macros broke, but I expected that. I noticed that basic mouseover functions were available in the base game, so I got by, and adjusted some of my buttons accordingly.

Shadowlands: I just got into the pre-patch 9.01 and am finding frustrations with mouseover healing macros. Did things get changed a lot??? I cannot find anything on the web searches indicating this.

Relevant AddOns being used: Shadowed Unit Frames, Bartender4. (I have enabled the appropriate self-cast checkboxes and what not that I can see.

at the moment I am just using one of the many templates available from the web:

/cast [target=mouseover,help][help][target=player] Rejuvenation

It basically works, but not exactly how I would like, with the following problems:

  1. When I mouseover a target, and click my button, I would like the heal to go to that target. I would like this to be on the unit frame OR THE 3D CHARACTER in the world itself. Currently, if I mouseover a character, and that character is target selected, it works as you would imagine, except it will not self-cast if i mouse over MY DRUID 3D character. It WILL cast Rejuv on myself if i have another target, and then mouseover MY UNIT FRAME. This is how things used to be for me back in the old days, and while I am being nit-picky, I would like to heal whatever thing on the screen that I point to: unit frame/or character, self or friend.

  2. I cannot seem to right-click my macro button in the action bar to self-cast. This makes no sense to me. I have right-click self cast box checked in Bartender4. I cannot find any other new relevant options in the base game controls area.

That’s basically it. I just need mouseover macros to work where I point my mouse, and occasionally (during panic moments) I can right click my macro button in the hot bar to self cast it.

Wishlist: I would like to have the macro self-cast or target-cast, if the target (mouseover or selected target) is dead, or an enemy, but this is not a deal-breaker.

At the end of the day, if I can’t get this working correctly, I can adjust my playstyle, but its just a bit frustrating because my macro knowledge circa 2010 seems… deprecated somehow. That or Im just getting old!

Thank you in advance.

Replying to my own topic, I noticed that in bear form, I used to be able to moonfire all the mobs I had collected via mouseover. That is no longer possible (I have Galactic Guardian)… Another druid I spoke with said she was never able to do this. Whats up? I never had a macro for Moonfire.

I am very confused ><

Nothing significant has changed with mouseover macros since the introduction of @ as an alias to target=, which I believe happened during BC. Also, to my knowledge there are no options in the base UI that you can enable to facility mouseover casting, it all needs to be done via addons or macros.

Or if you want the most basic version it’s simply

/cast [mod:alt,@player] [@mouseover,help,nodead] [] SPELL

Make sure you have Interface > Combat > Auto Self Cast enabled.

You have never been able to mouseover your own 3D character. Similarly, you cannot click on your 3D character to target yourself. The reason behind it is that it would always get in the way when trying to interact with things very near to it.

Those options do not affect macros, only spells pulled out of the spellbook; for macros this functionality needs to be manually coded. The macros I posted above have forced self-cast set to alt+key. If you wish to change it to right click (which I don’t recommend because it’ll mean constantly moving your mouse a significant distance away from your unit frames) replace [mod:alt,@player] with [btn:2,@player]

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Thank you for the quick and thoughtful reply. I appreciate the affirmations here, and wonder if I have been remembering incorrectly about casting on my 3d character. hmmm.

I do wish to use the [btn:2,@player] for the right click because I have a physical limitation with two keyboard presses (doing a key combo quickly enough).


/cast [btn:2,@player] [@mouseover,help,nodead] [help] [@targettarget,help,nodead] Rejuvenation

I will try this out.

I am really confused about the moonfire mouseover that I had functionality just a few weeks ago. I don’t ever remember creating a macro for this and felt it was simply in the game already. … I coulda sworn that was how I was using that spell in bear form. Very weird and confused… had I imagined all of that?

It’s possible you were using a barmod that extended the functionality of the base spell to allow mouseover casting.

Oh ,… that is entirely possible. I need to look at that next time I log in. Thank you for that highlight!


I am so excited to report that it was BARTENDER 4 as Elvenbane posted! I just clicked those check boxes and reloaded ui and … no macros needed!

I may still try out the healing one for the extra utility, but for now I am back up to speed. Man, BT4 is just superb!.. Thank so much for the help sorting me out!

For mouseover casting on yourself, it isn’t the 3d model, but if you enable Personal Resource Bar and use one of the nameplate addons to let it intercept clicks, that might do it.

I am ok with not being able to hit my 3d model. I just remembered that incorrectly. I have my self and target unit frames center now just under and to the left of my model which is working for me (Shadowed Unit Frames , YAY!). Thank you for the recommendation.

I played a lot last night with the BT4 mouseover on my main cast bar on and it was working wonderfully in every situation.

as an aside, I wonder what is more efficient to the game (in terms of resourses/fps etc)… using an addon such as BT4 like I am, or programming each spell with the mouseover ability? Just curious. I imagine that the macros are the more efficient way to do things, but require more set up of course.

Depends what you mean by efficient. If you mean computer performance it’s irrelevant imo.

If on the other hand you mean number of buttons you can place within easy reach then I’d argue that the modifier macros, especially if you’re using the default keybinds.

Apologies, I was considering computer resources efficiency.

I set up my main (3) casting button bars in such as way as to be able to monitor their cooldowns, and love the mouseover-button pressing casting (as opposed to clicking clicking). Bartender4 allows for great flexibility. Its the first mod I install and the one I feel I can’t comfortably play without.

I very seldom click on the actual buttons with my mouse, so I suppose you would say I use mostly keybinds with my mouseover targeting.

I don’t ever seem comfortable with modifier keys due to a slight physical comfort level (alt, shift etc). I use the three BT4 bars, and have as many of them mapped to keys (usually 1-9, and a few other letters: L, P, H, ~, etc.). I avoid button clicking whenever I can, though still do, until I find a key I want to map the spell button to.

I imagine if I could become more comfortable with alt/opt, shift, ctrl and what not, I could be even more efficient.

I am not quite there yet.

my continued “Thanks”" for all the recommendations!

I recommend keybinding at least SHIFT and CONTROL to your mouse. Keybindings take awhile to get used to but they are super helpful long term. It also helps when you use a template for your toons’ abilities so that each toons’ UI is set up as consistently to the rest as possible. I find keybinding toggle run to the mouse is a massive time saver if you are already messing around with the mouse keybindings anyway.

I love Bartender but the Weak Auras addon is a better way of monitoring your cooldowns. Luxthos seems to have come up with the best class templates I’ve seen so far.

I’d recommend against this, provided you have large enough hands to comfortably reach the modifiers on the keyboard. Certain abilities (particularly ground targeted abilities) feel much more natural to use when on mouse buttons, and you almost certainly aren’t going to remap your keyboard’s modifier keys in AutoHotKey or similar to regain those keys for general use.

On my Hunter for example, I have my traps, Binding Shot, and Flare on mouse 5/6/7 using [@cursor] macros, so I can effortlessly point where I want them and fire them with my thumb. Swapping those macros to keybindings near the WASD cluster and moving modifiers to the mouse would mean I need to eliminate existing keybinds, extend the reach area (and I already have binds on ` thru 6, Tab thru Y, A thru H, and Z thru B), or switch my cluster to ESDF and set up completely new binds, which would take FOREVER to learn.

If you are using something like a Razer Tartarus that’s a different story.

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Thank you for your input, Adreaver and Smokewagon. I am definitely always evaluating my UI and controls. I will have to take a look at Weakauras. I do try to keep very consistent between characters with my UI.

Things are going well, and I am looking to expand my keybindings for more flexibility.