Mouse Response Mid Screen

I had some mouse issues recently which I resolved by ticking Enhance Pointer Precision in windows… Might want to try that?

It doesnt seem to be any certain spot on my screen, it happens all over the place, and if I keep clicking the same spot it will work after a few tries.

i’ve tried soo many “solutions” that have been posted in a few other forums on this issue since this time last year, and no luck for me

i reset my ui and it seemed to fix it at first, didnt re-install any addons and after 2-3 islands my right-click’s response was inconsistent again.

in-game overlays, such as discord’s and nvidia’s, have been reported culprits, start there if youre troubleshooting. im about to just re-install the game, cant raid or M+ like this, really need a fix

…wow, just installed 8.1 on a PC i havent used since november and the same issue arose while raiding. I did a UI reset before even playing and only installed DBM and recount. Different OS, different GPU manufacturer, and ive used 2 different mice on each. i wasnt getting any issues at all for the first hour before raiding

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I seem to have found a fix after checking /fstack. I just disabled a portion of Details! called “Details! Encounter Breakdown” and I am able to use my right mouse button freely at the moment. Encounter Breakdown is a very large window that pops up in the center of the screen when in use. I’m holdin’ on to my butt hoping this fixes it for good.

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No hotbar addons at all. I use:

Kui nameplates

It’s 100% related to the reroll box not clearing itself. If you cancel the reroll before leaving a match it mostly seems to stop this but if you leave a game and keep playing you can see the reroll box appearing higher and higher as you continue to win games.

The UI disappears but mouse acts as though it is still there.

YI get the same issue in BoD. And Opulence is the worst in the gauntlet. I move with my mouse. And when it comes to moving around it’s as if my mouse doesn’t work properly.

I use elv ui. At first I thought my mouse was broken. When doing Mythic plus it doesn’t seem to happen, or less noticeable. But BoD is the worst.

I might also add that I never do arena. So whatever it is it includes other areas of the game.

Thought I might add. I use mouse button 4 and 5 for strafe. If I hold my right mouse button to go forward, then strafe is held at the same time. All sorts of weird things happen. Sometime I don’t move at all. Sometimes it works, sometimes I can’t turn when I move my mouse. Not sure how many play like this, but i have moved with my mouse this way for many years. And since BoD opened, some bosses are unplayable

This may help some or it may not.
I noticed this problem the day after 8.1 dropped. The issue seems to be caused by the loot window alerts (the popups that occur when you or another player receives a piece of loot via any means). The only reason I noticed it was opening the chests you sometimes receive for winning an Arena match.

I found that moving the Alerts via any Move addon (MoveAnything) or even unlocking frames for ElvUI etc. The issue doesn’t go away but it does mean that you won’t have the issue be in the middle of your screen.

Give that a go but like I said this may or may not work for some users.

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Yeah that window looks buggy as all get out. Might try it

blizzard didn’t fix this yet? it’s a big problem. having this problem, as well as a some other whack mouse problem (opening the paper doll and moving mouse cursor over gear items, the mouse will stall out of a millisecond, and then delay move; hard to explain, but dropping polling rate from 500 to 125 seems to fix that).

Hey all,

We need some more information using the command above before we can even hope to understand the issue, let alone do anything for it. Right now what we have is a bunch of different reports of issues - some players mentioned it was addons, some aren’t. Please run that /fstack command and let us know what it says is in the way when you run it. It’ll also help to know what addons you run.

Keep in mind that disabling addons does not fully disable their UI elements. You usually need to do a full reset after removing addon managers (twitch, wowmatrix, tukui client, etc) to fully rule them out.


thank you for the reply! it is this issue from this other post. see link below. apparently a player figured out a workaround and wrote up an add-on to address. i’m just resorting to /console reset UI after each arena match to prevent the compounding issue. would really appreciate a hotfix.

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here is another link addressing the same issue… also the other mouse issue i addressed regarding having to drop polling rate, that problem i confirmed to not be wow related.

I solved my problem with the mouse, I was simply removing the addon battlegroundtarget.

Now I have installed the MrTarget and I have no problems :).

but, they need to uninstall the game and download again from 0.

I’d like to throw in that I’ve attempted all the suggestions and nothing has fixed my mouse click issue. However, I noticed the issues is most severe when trying to move while having aggro or attacking. I noticed on my Demonhunter when I got mobbed and was trying to move around while attack it started up. So I started troubleshooting from there. 100% of the time, it came back when mobs got in my face. There might be something also going on with the aggro “box?” of a character or mob when you mouse over them creating that “click black hole”. It just seemed uncanny that 100% of the time it would come back. Mostly when 2 or more were attacking me, which also makes the issues during PVP seem more credible. I also tested this on 3 other characters to make sure it wasn’t DH specific. Same issues. Ideas? Help?

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None! Just retail UI.

I have made a full reset and deleted all addons and the problem persists.

I saw this forum also… did not fix my problem. .

I hope they are not joking with me :wink::roll_eyes:

Things seem to be working again. I am playing without addons.

Just going to quote myself here since very few people have provided the information we need so far to demonstrate an issue. We need the information above to reproduce this if you run into the error again. Without it, all we can do is guess at the culprit.


I’ve tried uninstalling Twitch, all addons, deleting the WTF folder/Cache, returning the cvar back to default, and then running /fstack to see what is still there. It appears there is one that is on the full screen, which is a Medium and labeled as TimerTracker. There is one other in a small screen around my character which is SpellActivationOverlayFrame.

This thread is old however this issue just started for me about two weeks ago. Can confirm its definitely the left and right mouse buttons, if I just run in a circle using the mouse, it will randomly stop moving and just the camera will spin. If I’m just trying to rearrange my camera angle, it sometimes doesn’t register the click. Tried a different mouse and uninstalled its drivers, didn’t fix it, reinstalled the drivers, still didn’t fix it. Shined a flashlight in the laser of the mouse, pulled a hair out of it, still didn’t fix. Other games are experiencing no issues. Please advise


Appreciate you getting back with that requested information. As you can see, this is pretty rare, but at least knowing what’s in your /fstack may help with your particular version of the issue.

The SpellActivationOverlayFrame is one of our UI elements. Does running these commands in your chat box fix it? You’ll get a “Are you sure you want to do this” prompt, but if you confirm it it should disable anything that would cause this to occur with that particular element.

/run SpellActivationOverlayFrame:UnregisterAllEvents()
/run SpellActivationOverlayFrame:Hide()