Do y’all use the same mount for all of your characters, or do you choose a default mount for all of them?
Personally I’ve taken to trying to customize my Dragonriding mount, because my Void Elf looks really good on the Swift Gloomhoof, but not so good on, the Algarian Stormrider. Sometimes it’s a matter of choosing a mount to match either the outfit, or just the height of the character.
One thing this Mount Mania event is showing me is how many mounts I haven’t visited in a while need to be re-evaluated in terms of coolness.
Yes, I use around 3 mounts for all of my characters.
If you’re not flying around in a warframe, is it even worth flying? It was already my favorite, but dynamic flight made it even better.
All my alts use different mounts for flying and ground, I like to base it on character fantasy.
I do use the disc mount and the 2 seater rocket mount on all my characters as defaults included with their different mounts specifica.
I like to use the disc mount while questing, as the other is used for long distances.
The 2 seater rocket is just for party uses in case someone doesn’t skyride fly in a dungeon or raid.
I’ll use the mtn dew mount on all my characters for a while, as I’ve still only seen one other person with it in game, so it makes me feel special. but once I tire of that, I’ll probably switch back to whatever dragon/flying horse I feel like using at the time. Might actually farm up some old mounts eventually since mount mania is showing me I have some easily obtainable ones I could get that I don’t have.
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I hit the random button, no favorites, so it’s always a surprise
I generally do but big characters who aren’t Tauren need a bigger mount. My Blood Elf, Vulpera, Goblin characters all share the same set but when I try to use those on a bigger character it looks bad so I change it up. Pandaren Phoenix for example. Nobody bigger than a Belf for you sweet birb. You’ll be crushed.
Differs depending on the character/spec/transmog.
i normally use a different mount on all my characters. i try to find something that matches the mog that i’m using at the time.
I’m fond of the Legion class mounts, at least on my pally, lock, and shammy. So, different ones for me.
My warlocks ride the fiery Hearthsteed because it fits their theme. Tauren ride the Sunstone Panther because it’s the right size and doesn’t look like their backs are about to break from carrying a Tauren and all that gear. Everyone else just rides the Hearthsteed.
I have some mounts that I repeat, but generally they have some variety. I feel it’s a nice way to use more of the mounts I have 
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I used to, but my wife only uses specific mounts for specific alts (she has hundreds) and it really grew on Mr to have a “theme” with a character using specific mounts. So I do that now lol
usually a unique mount for each…which is a reason why I want flying mount equipment. Orc look right on wolf mounts. I have the cool WOD wolf hunter pets and Im gonna buy the matching mount, but whats the point if Im gonna be flying 99.999% of the time.
i’ll buy the WoD TW wolf mount just to have it, but it wont get used much, if at all.
Even just steady flight is good enough
Their mount needs to be thematically appropriate for their race and class, while also coordinating with their transmog.
Druid uses the fire owl travel form and everyone else uses mounts I’ve favorited.
I used to have mounts set to every character but now I’m lazy and just summon a random mount every single time. It’s a nice surprise sometime cause I’ll see mounts I don’t even recognize and have to look up where I got them.
Generally yeah but some of them have mounts i like more cuz they match colors.
Like deathcharger on my dk and beastlords warwolf on my shaman.
For the most part, I mix it up per character outside of the functional mounts with vendors.
I use different mounts for each alt. But, I typically try to get it to match their tmog theme, color, or whatever.
However, I much prefer smaller/more compact mounts. These big ones I just can’t get on board with.