Mount Up for the Outland Cup!

For the love of god, can you guys PLEASE stop making it so we can’t see the next ring when we go through one? I’ve had 3 races in Outland do this so far.

It’s not fun. It’s frustrating.

Not to mention the ones like Shattrath where you have to fly through a narrow hallway and can EASILY land on accident. Just stop doing things like this.

Challenge Mode was made for a reason - and I avoid them. We don’t need Challenges in Normal/Advanced/Reverse.


These events need to take place more than once a year.


Give Grotto Netherwing Drake scales. This would’ve been THE event to offer them as a reward. Stop withholding…

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That’s the one in Netherstorm with the Eco-Domes that flashbang you every time you go through the pink circle.

I feel like no one tested Razorthorn Rise and the thorns that are significantly larger than what their graphics show them to be.

All because Blizzard added the Firebird’s Challenge (which I’m not good at nor do I want to do this again) during the Darkmoon faire, They continue to add this type of flying/racing content which again I’m not good at nor do I want to do. Lets not forget Mirage Raceway either… So I’ll pass. As the Dwarves says “Keep your feet on the ground”

Gonna add yet another voice here asking for information on the Netherdrake scales.


Lord that one blinds me trying to do it…not good for anyone that might have a seizure from doing that one…it could happen…

That would have been perfect! I’m still cheesed they’re not available.


Yep that one is great for sagging you as you fly by…if your not careful…

Absolutely. I just gave up at 30 runs with all times between 70.5 and 71 seconds. I’m not doing anything wrong but damn my wrist is killing me from doing the same race and not getting any closer than I was an hour ago. I had legitimate fun with the EK and Kalimdor cups but man this one is off to the garbage. I want to collect the achievement stuff with this but apparently untested content is going to kill that goal. Gold should be a challenge yes, but shouldn’t require banging your head into a wall over and over for a cosmetic and title. These cups are supposed to be fun content for players not slog fests that take all our time away from doing anything else we want to do in the game.


Auchin is the worst by far imo, took me a bit to get gold on advance, and it took me 49 attempts on reverse, then the next 4 races I achieved gold on advance and reverse within 1 or 2 attempts.

These races are not fun.

World of collect transmog.

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I couldn’t recall off the top of my head how I did Auch so I went back and re-did each race just so I could get some specific tips for you guys. (Not so much for Obama, as he says he got it but only because he said it was a pain)

My general strat is to start the race by surging forward once until I hit the first vigour point in the centre. From here on, I try to mainly use Ascend wherever possible. Am I going up? Ascend. Am I going straight? Ascend. Am I going down? Ascend then wrangle the camera down again without losing speed. The key is to ALWAYS PULL YOUR NOSE UP BEFORE ASCENDING FOR MAXIMUM ACCELERATION and then dropping the nose and aiming at the next gate immediately after. If you don’t do this, you’ll be hamstringing yourself.

The only time I don’t use Ascend is where the gates are really close together and I won’t have time to whip it up, Ascend and whip it down again (I have blown straight past gates when I don’t have enough space). I maybe used Surge Forward like 3 or 4 times in these races? Just to maintain high speed where I couldn’t time an Ascend

It will take some practice to learn where you can chain your Ascends along the course as you try to stay in the 1150-1450% speed range. Remember you don’t have to fly in straight lines from gate to gate, so if a tight Left is coming up, go wide on the Right before you get to the gate so the turn isn’t as brutal. Also if there’s a super tight space to zip through maybe try Ascending over the obstacle instead.

If you practice your speed techniques you should be able to make up the very minor time lost by avoiding objects that can brick your race.

Here are my times for proof:


70 attempts on Auchindoun reverse. Finally gold. Hardest of all the races I’ve ever done. Puts the AQ one to shame. And you have to be in PvP otherwise the flag reduces your timer.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:



The Auchidoun PvP towers send you messages in PvE mode that you are not flagged that somehow bug the timer and make you slower by 3 seconds.

Figured that out after 40 attempts and then watching videos online

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

oof! Thankies for the heads up though.

Is that all the time or just every few hours?

Finally done! Man there were some tough ones this time!

I jotted down some notes about some of them if they left a strong impression:
Auchindoun Coaster. Awful! Reverse took me hours.
Skettis Scramble. Great fun! Reverse in one go!
Fel pit fracas. Easy except advanced gold. Took me hours!
Eco-Dome Excursion. Too long! Too tedious!

But for serious, who thought making the eco dome one two minutes long was a good idea?

Especially when you can’t see the next ring MULTIPLE times during the race.