Mount Sound Option

Hi, guys! :slight_smile:

I’ll keep this short and sweet. To my ears certain mounts are simply too loud and/or merely annoying. I would love to have the ability in system settings to adjust mount volume specifically, similar to how I can adjust other in-game sounds.

Good or bad idea? :thinking:

(Also check out another suggestion of mine: Visible & Transmogrifiable Necklaces!. Thanks!)


I think a lot of people want that, I personally don’t enjoy relaxing on Zanda docks, listening to the current storm, maybe a wolf come padding by then all of a sudden warlord deathwheel sounds like it’s about to run me over.


Idk if this counts but I’d like to squelch Ban-Lu.


No, I know others would appreciate a specific change like this. I used to cart my dad around in a mechano-hog, and I would nonstop press the space bar to jump us around. When VVRROOMMVRROOMVVRROOMVRRVRMVMRVMRVMRVMRM mutilates your ears, you’ll understand why people like him, myself (and a few others in this thread!) like this idea.


I dislike the ting sound crafters make when Im concentrating on something.


I would not mind something like this myself. Its one of the main reasons I don’t use mechanical mounts. I’m not a fan of the constant engine noise from them even if I’m completely idle on the ground.


peaceful Silvermoon City music
just wanting to sit inside of my chopper
vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr vrvrvrvrvrvrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, random humming noises, sound of saws and blades and back to the vrmvrmrmrmmmm


screeches incessantly in Undercity Plaguebat

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I, like many players (namely gatherers), fly around in my Sky Golem. This damn thing drives me crazy. I love playing with the game volume on, and so am stuck hearing it ALL. THE. TIME. :persevere:

They changed the sound of my wife’s Hogrus. She’s not happy!

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I am truly sorry to hear that. Hogrus will never be the same again… :sleepy:

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This topic belongs up top.

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I dislike the sound Alliance make as they slobber over Anduin. Can we get an in-game slider for that? :thinking:

OMG, I was just thinking about this the other day when I was going to use the Imperial Quillen, and I realized that the mount up noise it makes sounds like a burp.

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Lmao. I love this. Thank you

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I laughed my butt off for real. :rofl:

Initial zones for core races are a nightmare. Full of chauffeured bikes filling the place with noise. And the jumping sound, oh god, please, someone make it stop.

I hadn’t leveled anything since this guy, but from what I am told those chauffeured bikes are everywhere. :expressionless: