Mount Returns

I don’t even know what mounts are retired at this point besides the auction house one

All of the Pandaren phoenixes are my favorite mounts to use, the crimson one especially! That said, I feel like I disappoint folks when they ask me how to get the mount, only to be told it was a period-exclusive mount.

Similar to the mage tower, I’ve seen loads of players who are way more deft at playing the game than I am and could have easily gotten it if they had played when the content was first available. I’d love to see them reintroduce challenges to earn these aesthetic rewards.

I get that every game dev and their mother has limited time only skins to feed into FOMO, but I much prefer my games to retain the ability to obtain something, provided there’s skill a barrier of entry

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If you mean brought back with a new model? Yes. Imagine an HD spectral tiger…


Ion could tell us snow was white, and he’d still be lying.

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Even though I have it, though can’t ride it on this toon, Warlord’s Deathwheel. I don’t know if they can but I hope they do.

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Yeah I know that’s what their intent was but as soon as they changed their mind, which was Ulduar, then they should have been put back.

The two titles serve as the “reward” for getting the hardest achievement completed while current.

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Yeah, except that they didn’t have to be done while current.

Their philosophy seems to be that if they announce something is going away then it just kind of…stays gone. But then again they did arbitrarily put the plauged but not black back in so who knows. :dracthyr_shrug:


Grove Warden. My legs clip horribly on moose mounts but I don’t even care.

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Still the title I use to this day :sunglasses:

True but doing immortal a week before cata dropped was same difficulty as when it was current. Pretty damn easy. I got it a few days before the xpac dropped personally.

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The Plagued Proto-Drake!

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respectfully, I disagree. maybe it’s the nostalgia but I remember the first time I saw the rooster. it was love at first sight :heart_eyes: it could be the most common mount and I’d still use it as a primary. but also, they did it with my hippo so idk I don’t see a reason to gate the others (if anything it gave me hope that MAYBE one day I’ll have the glorious chicken because rn I am absolute trash at saving gold)

Yeahhhh, honestly I have no excuse for not having it …unless it wasn’t available at the end of MoP, was at uni/taking a break for the first half of the xpac.

honestly I thought (initially) the trading post tiger was going to be an either/or. i’d have been happy taking that, perma silver/blue(?) colour, as a replacement for me wanting the tiger 100%. would have given me that spectral cat fix haha

It would be useless to me since everyone would have it, i would never use it

Man, I forgot I had the ram until I saw your post.

I’ve got the ZG tiger too, sometime in Wrath when the raid was still there. Farmed it every reset until I did.

You could only get it if you bought the regular mount stamp voucher, from the very first Brewfest in 2006/7.

I actually bought the mount itself years later, in like 2009, to my surprise on my old main I still could because he had the voucher on him.

I have the Projector’s Tabard as well, which was only in-game for one week, on Burning Crusade launch!

However, these items are ugly. They don’t hold a candle, visually, to anything produced today. They are only valued because they are rare.

WoW is a pretty dead game compared to what it used to be, so I certainly don’t mine if they brought it all back.

I just think people will come to realize these items only had real value because of their rarity. They haven’t aged too well, lol.

I’d use my ram just because he’s rare, but by god, the old ram model is horrible to look at in today’s era. The ZG tiger is only mildly better. Even Spectral looks jank today.

Perhaps they should both bring them back, and visual update like what they did with Qiraji battle tank.

plagued proto drake
zul gurub tiger and raptor

As someone with awesome removed mounts such as the MoP CM Phoenixeseses and Amani War Bear, agreed. Bring back the old content required to unlock em too, or in some other method even.

Rooster, grande pollo


I’d love those phoenixes personally. I’ve got a lot of old mounts that I’d love others to be able to get. Just because someone hasn’t played as long as some of us have doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be able to get removed stuff. Just my .02