Mount Returns

Which mounts would you like to see them bring back from “retirement”? :slight_smile: I’d personally love it if they added the pandaren phoenix mounts :smiley: and then obviously the spectral tiger and rooster :smiling_face:
-wink wink nudge nudge pls blizz-


I was lazy and missed out with the ksm red mount. Wish I got that one, but I got the purple one!

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I think they need to bring old ZG back. Just place a bronze drake in front of the zone to go into the raid version of it. That would put the tiger and raptor back where they belong.

The Brutosaur needs to go back to the vendor.

The black and plagued proto-drake need to go back to the meta. The titles can stay gone but there was no reason to remove the mount since they didn’t remove any other.

Unarmored Brewfast ram. It was removed without notice for no reason.


I feel that :') but! purple is a very good colour

Chicken please.


oh god this. played wrath just for it haha. it’s so pretty :sob: i wish they’d let you get it in retail if you earned it on the classic wrath servers at the very least since they didn’t remove the meta achievement this time around

Those were a challenge reward. They’ve brought back the rig with different skins and models. Maybe we can get recolors in the Trading Post?

Literally just unremove every removed mount

I have many removed mounts so my opinion on this is more valuable


honestly even that would be really cool. i just like how they’re basically flying peafowls haha

That reminds me, those peachick pets are adorable!


Cindermane Charger was a miss I regret to this day, especially with a few alts that love fire.
Same for Primal Flamesaber as well.

I’m sure there are more but those too and the Spectral tiger are the top ones I wish I had but don’t.


blizcon polar bears<3
the one that drops snowballs n the murloc one

i like polarbears :heartpulse:


me with the zhevra. i never thought they’d remove it to be honest :sob: honestly i’m surprised they reworked the RAF reward system ! personally (if i made decisions at blizz) i’d have been like “one mount per month your friend is subbed!” and then maybe some new fresh ones to keep the rewards going if your friend was subbed longer than however many mounts they’d had previously



Originally they had planned to only allow the mount to be earned while the glory was current, which I suppose was fine, and decided to leave them in for future tiers but didn’t return the originals presumably for reasons similar to cms/mt stuff.

To this day, I still don’t understand why we can’t go farm ZG for the tiger/raptor mount. Stratholme was somewhat revamped and it still drops the same mount.

Plagued and Black proto-drakes. Doesn’t make sense that we can get all of the other raid mounts except for these.

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i thought the raptor is still there?

They’re still available they’re just discontinued. Subtle difference. And I disagree. Leave them out.

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You can pay 4.6m gold for the plague proto like I did from the BMAH :slight_smile:

They should not bring back the MoP CM mounts. They’re one of the few mounts left in this game with any meaning.