Mount Returns

That’d be neat, or at least a version based off of them slightly. :dracthyr_love_animated:

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For Blizzard to later change their mind on this subject? No thanks, I’ll keep my money for other things. You can’t even tell me why they shouldn’t become available once again since they even made them permanently available on Wrath Classic.


They can’t even give you a reason. The only one they can give is to jot upset players that already have it, which is a perfectly legitimate reason whether you like it or not. What’s in the past is in the past.

What’s your reasoning behind not upsetting the people that purchased the Feldrakes and other TCG mounts, then?

Non of those mounts are actually good looking mounts, only reason people want them its cuz they are rare, if you bring them back they are no longer rare, they would be worthless

The OG mount is green. The new one is red.


Bring back the original epic mounts.


Ah yes, the spaghetti marinara elemental.

Slime kitty mount for Twitch drop.



Warlord’s Deathwheel


I don’t honestly. It’s inconsistent and I don’t like it lol.

You’re right though if they reintroduce those then it sort of makes sense to bring back the plagued and black proto drakes. Maybe not from watching twitch though. Still, I’d say it would be way cooler if they brought back HD models of them instead. That would please everyone hopefully.

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100% agree with you on that one.

Edit: There’s definitely a way to make everyone happy and keep some mounts rare for “status” purposes. You’re right.

What I’d like to see return are the exact ones you mentioned, OP. The pandaren phoenixes. I don’t care about the challenge armor sets. I just want the mounts back. :stuck_out_tongue:


Now I’m done ranting I’ll add a mount I’d like to see come back. Trial of the crusader mount from tribute to insanity. I HAVE the achievement…yet I don’t have the mount since I never won it :frowning:

Would be cool, I liked the wolf and the one from tribute to immortality too. Both decent looking horse/wolf.

Rest in peace :sob:


Brutosaur. No reason to have it removed.


Soon-to-be Twitch drops and/or Amazon Prime Gaming rewards.

I took Season 4 off, so the purple and gold one is the only one of those I didn’t get, which is a shame, because it’s probably my favorite recolor of them all

LMAO you wish. Ion already admitted the spectral tiger is above all the other tcg mounts and it’s not coming back as a twitch drop or any other source.

Reread what he said because it wasn’t that. :slight_smile:

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Undercity Plaguebat