Mount not not showing up

I recently got the achievement for, and bought from the vendor, the Crimson Tide Stallion. It’s been at least 5 days, & the mount is not in my collection.

I have looked for the similar problem, contacted customer support, asked on WowHead, scrolled through the entire mount collection,
( collected and not collected ), every day! No response from customer service, nothing similar on WowHead, no help whatsoever.

What am I missing? I worked hard for that mount!!

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The Crimson Tidestallion shows in your collection here on the Armory, so you do have it.

Be sure to check your mount journal filters to ensure you have all sources checked.


Aye, checking the filters on your collection would be my first recommendation as well.

If you’re having trouble with that, you can try resetting all of the UI elements back to their default state with these steps:


I am having the exact same issue. I got the clickable loot token, it registers I have a new mount but it doesn’t actually give me the mount. I tried all those ideas, logged off for awhile. I filed my ticket. Now I guess I wait and see how or if blizzard will make it right.

I just noticed on this site that it hasn’t given me credit for a few things, including the CRIMSON TIDESTALLION mount. The database its pulling from seems to be behind.

I still don’t have the mount but this site updated that I should have the mount

Try typing

If it pulls up the mount, it’s either a problem with your mount collection filters, or you need to do the complete UI reset. The armory shows it as part of your collection.


the force command works. its not in my filter controls… and i guess ill try to reset my ui. thank you for relieving my confusion.

sometimes you can just toggle the mount filters all off and then all back on to kick-start things.

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