Mount equipment *sigh*

My hippo shall now gracefully dash across the water and my boats will now float. I’m good with this.

Doubt anyone cares enough about the other gear so rip that income source come flying.

The only ones that do have that position are those that are too lazy to get the mount and are crying about “advantages and fairness.”

It’s a universal agreement on one side that the equipment is fine but just leave the strider alone just like the sky golem.

Just wait until you find out that there is a problem with big mounts getting on top of the water if you try mounting them when already swimming. They won’t jump high enough to get you on top.


I laugh when I see people who think the Azure Waterstrider is a grind.

It’s so cute!

It’s not a grind in the traditional sense. But it does take some effort and time to earn. In my opinion, that’s effort and time that Blizzard disrespects by removing the mount’s special ability.

Yes, it surely is! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

No, you don’t get it.

The Azure is not a grind. Try the Crimson some time.

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I would throw in F in chat but I am busy celebrating the death and cannot pay respects at this time.

professions need all the love it can get.

Not in this manner.

That won’t be improving them though. Gliders and bardings still sell well. Water walking potions/elixirs already exist. This doesn’t serve a purpose of adding anything unique and new to the professions. The end result is nerfing the strider, creating a gold sink, and setting the stage for gating the equipment in the future.


When exactly is the update gonna be live today?

They say 3 pacific but they usually always estimate a later time and put em up sooner. A guesstimate would be a few hours.

Who else is the angriest about this not being account-wide? And we only get mailed ONE water walking equipment item. That means I have to buy 24 (for now) to have water walking back ON CHARACTERS WHO HAVE IT RIGHT NOW.

That right there is Grade-A baloney.


I have a question for the “unfair advantage” crowd(I’m sure it will go over like a lead balloon but screw it).

Is it “fair” for death knights and shamans to be able to water walk in combination with the equipment or are you going to scream for them to be nerfed too? Or do we need to wait for what blizzard says before you can decide? :slight_smile:


And yet many people will still used the strider mount. I plan to given the mount of time that I invested in grinding out the necessary rep to acquire the mount and that is what we are talking about here. People that are lazy that largely want something for doing nothing, regardless if you think the mount is ugly, the mount had but one purpose and now that purpose is no longer unique. All the whining may make about Blizzard catering to a crowd of people that largely do not want to have to grind for anything in an MMO, which is and always has been about grinding, literally do not want to do any grinding at all.

Hunters have been able to walk on water for years. I always laugh when I see these threads. I hop onto my hunter main, pull out my strider and hit his special.

You have to fish up fish that are required and necessary to get exalted with Pagle, so yes the Azure is a grind, though not nearly as bad a the Crimson to grind. I did both, and one is not really a better grind than the other. Yeah, the Crimson takes much longer to acquire, I will give you that, but the Azure does take a good bit of time.

Either way, the point here is, there is some level of grind necessary to acquire both of these mounts and that grind has now largely been voided by instituting the mount equipment. The people that whined about grinding in an MMO, literally do not want to grind at all or very little. That is why this mount equipment is going in place and for no other reason.

This is exactly what it’s all about, in TL:DR form.

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Participation trophy generation. Lil boys that want to be carried. tru story! =)

This girl. Right here. Me! :angry::rage::angry:


i just think the whole thing is a crappy idea and a waste of time.