Mount equipment *sigh*

They could have easily made other mounts with the WW ability. A good one to start with would have been the boat. OR they could exclude the water striders from the mount equipment like everyone has been asking. Those who want to WW on a different mount can use their equipment to do so. Or, you know, pop a WW potion.


Your hunter is a Mag’har orc? Congrats. Use No-Daze instead because that’ll be best in slot for him.

Otherwise, your hunter will get another 10% movement speed buff from using [Light-step hoofplates] mount equipment.

The issue is that this did work, now it doesn’t… for no obvious, rational comprehensible, logical reason. Just a bunch of “Blizzard wants this” “Blizzard wants that” … we don’t frelling know what blizzard wants other than to disable water striders.

And it’s an issue because bag space has a hard limit… I don’t like wasting it on unnecessary consumables. And I’ll be wasting more action bars buttons for travel when [Summon Random Favorite Mount] was working just fine.


Okay, this does make sense. I think as you folks have put in some effort for this mount, far beyond the norm, then yes it’s more than fair you keep your water walking mount as is.

:beers: /cheers!


There are still many water-filled zones which allow mounting but don’t allow flying.

What is the crafted mount equipment called?

Any idea on the mats for it yet?

Which ones cause they elude me at the moment?

And now you wont have to. Plus you can use that favorite mount of yours with the same benefits.

[Light-step hoofplates] are the Best in Slot for most of my alts.

So, instead of having “all mounts” or “two mounts” that can water walk, I’ll have “zero”.

I don’t get why that’s so difficult to grasp.


What you listed is are they’re own instances of course BFA pathfinder won’t apply to them.

I’ma use ww because I’m going to assume the new zones are as goofy as nazmir (no way would I run around that zone without WW).

Although once I can fly I guess all bets are off. I’ll prob just keep the ww on though, I like to set stuff and forget it in general.

They’re not all instances. And of course BFA PF2 wouldn’t apply, they’re no-fly zones/instances.

The water strider is still USEFUL in those areas however, more so because flying isn’t.

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They aren’t, at least Najzatar isn’t and from what I’ve heard about Mechagon it’s not that wet.

In the very few places where you =might= want water walking in Najzatar? You’ll definitely want no-daze instead, because the water is mostly shallow, with rare small deep pockets that slow you down just enough for the mobs IN the water to converge on to you, and your water walking would have already been dispelled by a hit anyway.

Now, without extra consumables, you don’t have to feel more inclined use the strider where it’s wet.

Here you go on recipes and equipment.


I genuinely don’t understand this thinking at all. Why?

You do realize there are water-walking potions in the game right? There have been for years and years.

They could easily have added a ww enchant too.

Why did water striders need to go?


who me? No, not if it I have to forfeit a mounted speed bonus ALL the time for it.

What they really don’t understand is that in the future riding at all can be “gated” behind a basic item to allow use of ground mounts. Expect to be running everywhere in 9.0 until you get Pathfinder 1, which will allow you to buy some item that costs a s$@tload of gold.


Apparently that equipment, unless it’s changed, didn’t stack with other inceases. Will investigate further.

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