I didn’t “earn” mine, I bought the rep with Timewarped Badges on a random impulse cause I had accumulated a lot of them and didn’t know what to spend it on.
It sure sounds like you earned it to me. You had the badges, so you bought the rep. You just didn’t set a goal and do the grind, like many others did. You still earned it, though.
I dunno, I get that it is taking away from that mount’s functionality but it really isn’t so hard to obtain and has been out for like 6 or 7 years now. I think it will be fun to play around adding new functions to my other 280 some mounts, probably more fun than just relying on the one to walk on water
I do hope water walking remains a thing some classes can do anyways though so that they can use other mount equipment while walking on water too lol.
Correct. But there WAS an issue with it being the only mount people use. Theres like over 500 mounts in this game. Why should one be better than all the rest. Nonetheless some ugly bug.
So they should have designed some more water walking mounts, then. Not removed something that some people worked for, and really like.
And I don’t know what you’re talking about… my strider is beautiful!
You won’t get to, though. The way the equipment works, you get to add ONE ability to ALL your mounts. You don’t get to apply different equipment to different mounts.
Except this doesn’t change anything. People will then just equip a different item and STILL use the Water Strider as soon as they reached the water. Blizzard’s goal (for whatever reason) was to decrease the need for the Water Strider. Your solution doesn’t change that, everyone will still use the Water Strider the same way they do now.
Op,it has nothing to do with the nerf to the water strider but to balance between those that have it and those that don’t in 8.2 because of pathfinder.
How does this hurt anyone?
Like I said, for whatever reason they want to decrease the need for the Water Strider.
Think about it,I had to because I want my water strider to do what it design to do.If people that have the strider at the start of 8.2 and the people that don’t ,who would have the advantage ?
Ahh okay so after reading the notes I see now. It’s still not too bad because you wouldn’t have to switch the mount to use water walking if that’s what you want, there would be more freedom to use whatever mount appearance you like. It’s just you would have to choose what equipment you preferred at the moment. Too bad, it would have been cooler to add different equipment to different mounts at the same time!
I’m hoping they give us equipment that can make our mounts jump higher and farther lol
I agree! That would have been a lot more functional (and fun).
I can play that game too. Pictue the mog mount or the ah mount or a flying mount or the swimmig mounts…
My point, which was missed completely, of course, was even in the sky golem you can be dazed. Now, please try to follow me on this. I know how difficult it can be. I put anti-daze on. Now I can run through all the mobs in the world and never be dismiunted. Then I come to water. If you`re still with me. I mount the strider and go across at full mount speed. Then on the other side, switch back and run inhindered through all the npcs I come across.
Where it looks like you got confused was thinking herbalism on a mount makes you immune to dismounting via mobs.
Technically, those that had it before still. Free equipment, and cheaper overall.
Yeah, but would you rather they just removed it or made it only work in Pandaria? Anyone remember the WoD version of loot-a-rang?
It’s loosing something because the way things are, if you aren’t using Daze you’re doing it wrong. Much the way the old talent trees gave you choice but there was really only one choice if you raided. generalization, I know but not wrong most the time .
I haven’t been clear on if characters below 100 can use equipment. I believe they can, assuming you have a character 100 or over. Is this correct? And does anyone know if it opens equipment on all b-net linked WoW accounts, or do I need to have a level 100 on my second account as well?
Bliz mentioned somewhere that alts had to be level 20 or better to use the slot once it’s unlocked by one level 100 alt. I -presume- linked accounts would also benefit, but I haven’t seen anything regarding it.
There was nothing wrong with people EARNING the water strider mount via rep grind
Ok, so I’m making my way to the incursion in Nazmir yesterday on my DH, I go to cross the water on my Fel Saber, having just popped a water walking pot and I noticed that I was literally surrounded by water striders, at least 8 players, not the same guild, going various directions about the incursion on the exact same mount.
Blizzard are constantly pumping out mounts, they are popular, but if everyone is simply going to ride one solitary mount for the perk then surely you must understand that Blizzard doesn’t want this, they want to make water walking available to all their pretty mounts so folks aren’t locked into just one.
I was still trying to fish up lunkers when the news hit, I’m a late starter with the strider, anyway I was happy I didn’t have to fish anymore. Just saying
Where it looks like you got confused was thinking herbalism on a mount makes you immune to dismounting via mobs.
No, I understood you just fine. I do not think mounted herbalism makes us immune to daze effects. I just used the mounted herbalism as an example of a mount special ability that is not being removed.
And it’s a pretty significant ability, too. If I can run through a zone and pick all the berbs I find without having to dismount/remount all the time, that is quite convenient.
And once this change goes live, I will be able to run around on my Sky Golem, pick herbs, and when I get to water? I can switch to one of my other mounts, and zip across the water at full speed. Then switch back to the Golem on the other side.
Whether we’re talking about anti-daze, or water walking, or faster travel, or even slow fall, any of those are significant abilities. And Blizzard is fine with us being able to pick one of those (from mount equipment), AND have an herb picking mount.
So we get to keep the herb picking, independently of whatever else we choose for our mount equipment.
Double standard. If they’re going to remove water walking from the striders, they should remove ALL special abilities from mounts, and add them to the mount equipment list. No more herbing, vendors, AH, repair, underwater travel. Otherwise, we get to double up on them, and, by Blizzard’s logic, that’s OP.