Mount drops from rares hurting game long-term

So much this.


I got my soundless on a character I RP as a very stuck up -female dog- blood elf. I at first didnā€™t want to tame it. but nobody was around. Announced itā€™s spawning on general. Nobody. Well ALRIGHT THEN.

I then proceeded on taming other ā€˜OMG HOW COULD YOU?!ā€™ pets like the Giants Isle Devisaur. Again, I was the only one there.
Guess itā€™s cause Iā€™m from Europe and when Iā€™m on, NA is sleeping.

squinting intensifies

The super rare things taking years most times is ridiculous.
Not sure how it hurts the game. There are other prevalent issues.

And for the soundless chatter, I tried and others too, to get it for the achievement to get the usurper. Iā€™m baffled why there are people who donā€™t get why other people would be mad lol.

Blizzard really crapped the bed with that tag.

SHHHH! Donā€™t give them any ideas!


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Invincible and mimeronā€™s head are both memorable since there were only a few rare mounts from the whole WOTK expansion. I donā€™t think anyone will have the same reputation of silent glider or skullripper. Overall it devalues the mounts since they are soo many and brain dead to farm.

Doing ICC is still fun for me even though I already have invincible, while spamming group finder for players Iā€™ll never talk to again after the soundless kill is a frustrating experience.

You should be happy you get a chance of getting it every spawn, in legion all the best mounts dropped from emissary chests that required you to farm a particular rep to exalted, and then an additional 10k per chest for a drop rate of 2%-11%.

And since gaining rep relied on world quests, you could get about a chest a week while waiting for them to respawn. I wish I could have gotten my cloudwing hippogryph by just camping a spawn.

The difference is world quests will always be there when you play, rares will not always be there. You can do a WQ anytime of day, also as you said 2-11% droprate is hellauva lot better than .5%, especially now since legion world quests are so easy. Camping BFA rares is undoublty worse since groups are less common

Super rare mounts Iā€™ve always been ā€œmehā€ā€¦ bro got the timeless isle dragon mount 2nd try and bird in the vale invasion bird first tryā€¦

ā€œpeople wont talk to meā€¦so remove casual solo players mounts pleaseā€

Yes, but their respawn rates are abysmal, and thereā€™s only so many you can do a day, and donā€™t add to very much of the 10k required for the emissary cache. So you spend all week grinding 10k to get a box with a fraction of a chance of getting the mount you want.

As apposed to getting a chance every day.

You know you can do the order hall missions. I easily can get 20k legion rep a week from sending followers on missions.

Silence has been one of the worst rares ever, good luck ever seeing itā€¦8 hour spawn sucks for a mount at low % chance.

Just like epic gear, amiright?

You could say the same for most things in the game. Of course if you donā€™t like doing it, then itā€™s a waste of time. I donā€™t like M+ and raiding because players take FOREVER to get set up. Waste of my time.

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One to two chances a week over a few chances every day feels like a large discrepancy.

If thatā€™s the case Iā€™m doing pretty well in the mount collecting realm.

youā€™re right op, the solution is to remove the cash shop and introduce those mounts to achievements

I care less about that and more about the best models going into the cash shop.

The winged Vulpin and blue feathered Dragon were clearly designed to be Ardenweald assets originally. But noooOOOooo, weā€™re stuck getting them by cash, in only one color (blue for both, which is even more annoying!). Meanwhile we get to grind for moths and in 9.1, a creepy Falcor-looking thing.

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Rare optional mounts will not do diddly squat to the game, short or long term.
All I see is someone who wants the rares so badly he is going insane.

May I suggest a dictionary to look up that word.