Mount drops from rares hurting game long-term

Hear me out blizzard. In recent expansions such as BFA and Shadowlands we got mounts such as the notorious soundless, rustfeather, and arachnoid harvester. IN EVERY patch we get these time wasters, such as warfront open world rare mounts, mechagon+ nazjatar, and in 8.3 we had invasion mounts aswell. Shadowlands continued this trend will stingy .5% droprates on hour long respawn timers that you can only kill once per day. I would like to see mounts no longer added this way, heck it took asmongold (The literal God) over a year to get soundless.

Before anyone makes a rebuttal about these open world mounts having meaningful gameplay, sitting AFK in the open world for hours waiting for a rare to spawn is not at all challenging gameplay. In addition, there is not social interaction bred. At the rustfeather spawnpoint I tried talking to other players using /say and SUP DOODE. No one replied to me as they were just watching netflix waiting to hear “I SEE YOU” from Rare Spawn Tracker Addon.

In addition for a game that has been out 17ish years, there is already tons of bloat, and getting 40 new mounts each patch is cool, unless you realize about 10-15 of them are more of these dumb open world lowball drop rate mounts that are reskins of stuff.

At least expansions like legion and WOD only added these types of mounts in the final patch, with doomroller and the argus rares, and even those droprates were more generous.


tHe LiteRal GoD


Man I’m super tired for some reason I thought this was about Mount droppings.

I know Blizz likes their poo quest but this would take it to another level.


There isn’t really any necessary reason to farm them though. They serve as a dopamine release when you hit the jackpot and for you to ride them around town for 5 minutes then never use them again.


I’d be OK if those mounts had like a 10-20% drop rate, but there is no way that I am going to waste literal days or even weeks of my life for chances at mounts with rates that low. It’s a form of masochism. I don’t farm the holiday mounts for the same reason.

The funny thing is that all of those mount models are already “owned” by everyone in the WoW installation folders on their HDDs/SSDs. Otherwise, they wouldn’t show up on the screen in the Collections (Uncollected) tab or when others rode by on them. All people are doing is unlocking the usage of those “owned” models in the game.


When I tamed my Soundless I was so proud of my pet. I love rays. I loved the new model of ray found in Nazjatar (sp).

I am black. A lot of my armor is… black.

A jet black ray you say? Imma git me one o’those!!

I remember I got one on Lagaidh first, then one on my Alliance hunter Elizabetha a good time later (months).

Anyway, I was on Eliza talking to a guildie and mentioned that I actually got a Soundless tame. She told me that some people would be very mad.

I totally did not get it. She told me Soundless dropped a mount.

I still didn’t get it.

She painted it out for me explicitly and my reaction to that news was a four letter word “____ this game I swear.”

I was so proud and pleased and happy to have gotten the black ray…

People spit on me, they’ve cussed me out. I didn’t even know he dropped a mount. Strangers hated me for my ignorance; as if I’d purposely set out to take something from them.

That was about the time I started thinking there was something heavily wrong with the player base.

I thought about camping for a second tame on one hunter so I could name them “IStole” and “YourEffingMount”.

Wow has a community that will hate you for playing your class.


i assume that is your main pet? if so, forget them. they’ve been killing rare hunter pets for nothing but achievements since wrath was live. most people hoarding/collecting rare mounts just want the +1 and will almost never use it unless it randomly shows up in their “favorite” mount thing that has 100+ other mounts in it.

your pet >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their +1 all day, ever day.


OMFG you are SO RIGHT!

Ha ha ha how in the WORLD did I forget that?

Heh! I do love my Soundless tame… on both hunters… this one or a female Draenei. It’s just a really good-looking animal.

I also love Deepglider. I have a pair of him on each… and I named them Alizée and Jacotey because I’m a hopeless moron who likes to acknowledge favorite singers with pets.

I have Maria and Callas pairs too, hehe! I even have one Netrebko… sans Anna.

Edit: I never did get an unsolicited /whisper about my latest courser pairs that match my Pureheart Courser mount… Elsa and Jean.

Tee HEE! (It’s not all about vocalists!)


Nah, I want my rare mounts to stay rare. Thanks though.


I couldn’t care less about rarity; I just want a good mount.

Rarity over Quality is how we got the whole Supreme brand.


I don’t understand why you’re advocating for one over the other instead of both. Blizzard needs to make more rare, quality mounts.

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because rarity is just Epeen inflation.

I want to have a good mount for ME; not to make OTHERS envy me. I get my enjoyment from what I think of myself, not what others think of me.

Rarity and exclusivity just breed toxicity. Just like people /spitting on hunters that tame Soundless (that simply wouldn’t happen ever if Soundless had a 100% mount drop chance.)

Rarity also just makes us waste time farming the same minion over and over. I don’t like to waste time.

So, there’s nothing good out of it, only bad.


Wait, people actually camp them for hours without using group finder? Noobs getting rekt.


They’re actually primary drivers in commodity markets, and subsequently engage certain demographics with content they may otherwise ignore. It’s a very smart move from a business stand point.

Something tells me all this epeen talk is rooted in you lamenting the need to grind rather than receive instant (or relatively fast) gratification. We can talk about it.

Agree completely with the OP.

And this is the thing I hate most about Timeless Isle, which introduced this whole concept of “4+ hour respawn and only a 1% chance of dropping the thing you want”.

Which Blizzard has relied upon heavily ever since.


Generally, I dont waste my time on mounts or hunter pets.

I would try to get them maybe with few attempts and when it doesnt drop, it’s all good.

Everytime I went to Timeless Isle, I always made sure I visit the place where Reins of Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent drop. One time, it dropped on me.

I was collecting Timewarped badges to get those vendor mounts. But one timewalking dungeon run, Reins of Infinite Timereaver dropped on me.

Farming the Reins of Headless Horseman is not that bad. Crimson Tidestallion Seahorse mount that could be used as a flying mount in Nazjatar is not that hard.

I did attempt to get Snapback Scuttler mount in Nazjatar… that’s while I farm for herbs. I completed all the achievements except for that one Rare. BFA lapsed and I didnt get it. It’s all good.

If you found a super rare mob like the proto drake or sea horse during WotLK or Cata you would be guaranteed to get the mount.

Once we got to Timeless Isle even the consumable cosmetic items like the blizzard stones had 0.5% drop rates.

A few years later those mobs (e.g. Huolon) die in one hit and yet they still only appear once every hour.

All in all things just sink deeper into the crappy end.

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actually, i completely support low drop rate rares - until they’re on weekly lock outs. weekly lockouts are the STUPIDEST thing to happen to casual farming content like legacy raids and rares. it just enforces FOMO.


You know what happens to people who mention He Whose Name Should Never Be Spoken, right? They lose a small percentage of their active brain cells. Beware, it can have debilitating effects.

So, does all your post stuff mean, we shouldn’t have mounts put out in the world for all levels of players to be able to try and get, whether they are raiders or pvpers or casuals? Just how exactly do you believe they should be available? From the game shop?

the fact is that every time there’s new content, exclusivity is based around the new content. you shouldn’t continue to try to add exclusivity to 15 year old content, either make it completely unfarmable, or allow anyone to farm it. this weekly lockout nonsense on legacy mogs and mounts is extremely player unfriendly. sure, it works to bring out FOMO, but when you have a new kid on the block with better mounts and no lock outs on legacy content, you’re gonna lose members to it (FFXIV)