Mount drops from rares hurting game long-term

I would appreciate this game more if time sink and rng weren’t in play. But hearing Ions reasoning on that is disrespectful to players time. Not everyone can be on all time with 12 alts.


Anyone can farm it. On a weekly basis. The time gate is the foundation of farming. And again, it’s designed to keep us coming back and engaging the content. I think we cracked this case.

buddy, i don’t want to come back once a week, it’s not engaging, it’s frustrating. i have $15 and a full weekend on my hands, if i want to grind legacy content for 8 hours for my perfect mog, i should be allowed to do so. creating FOMO in a subscription based game is extremely egregious, and if blizzard wants to wonder why folks are filling their forums with FF posts, they should look inward at this kind of consumer unfriendly behaviour.


They should add more mounts earned like the dragon from legion karazan

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To be fair, wow community only really hates you when you get in the way of the end game goal of the entire game. Mount collecting. Cause if you thought it was ilvl or AOTC or CE or KSM etc, you’d be mistaken.

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Is this a cult? hahaha


who are you to tell someone what is “meaningful” to them?

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I personally don’t enjoy rare drops from rare spawns, but I swing back and forth over whether or not it matters if I enjoy it as long as someone out there enjoys it.

For me this sort of thing falls under the category of “you aren’t supposed to have every item in the game.”

I don’t think the average joe is expected to camp it. It just makes it more exciting to know its a possibility to get a rare mount when you are doing dailies in a zone…

With that said however I do believe there should be more cosmetic content that is less reliant on RNG. Collecting some sort of currency or materials as part of some sort of lengthy and completely optional chain to get a mount/pet/ transmog is more up my ally. WoW does have some of that, but very little.

It’s not about having every item in the game or not.

I don’t have a Time-Lost Proto-Drake. But if I ever did kill it, I would definitely get the mount.

I’d much rather see rarer spawns with 100% drop rates, rather than this stupid “wait 2 hours to pull the slot machine lever today” we have now.


digs in looking for quest item

Oh imagine a quest where if you picked up enough mount poop you got a mount lol

Hahahahahaha you really can’t justify that man, super good troll tho

I’ve actually been meaning to check,

Does SL have those super rare trash mob drop mounts?

Eg. Goldenmane in bfa (amongst others, I just can’t think of their name)

Wouldn’t mind abit of senseless grinding

Exactly… That’s the problem with Blizzard pumping out so many mounts. None of them are special anymore… They lose their value faster than a used car.

I think there’s a very well-financed and sinister church that might want some words with you about that one :stuck_out_tongue:

Buddy, I’m just telling you why it is. And not everyone thinks is frustrating and complains about it. I for one enjoy it more than grinding stygia, myself.

If mounts only came from rare drops, I’d probably have some issue. But those rare drops are actually a good thing for the long term, I think.

Mounts are in a good place where you get some from rare drops and you get some as guaranteed rewards if you work on them. That’s awesome. I wish the rest of the reward structure felt as good as mounts do.

Sure, sitting and camping isn’t exactly compelling gameplay. But that’s your choice to sit and camp. The entire game isn’t just sitting and camping rares for everyone.



Now that’s out of the way, i agree with some of your points, i love collecting mounts but once you take the drop chance under 1%, it’s just too low, not to mention crap like random spawn locations and mobs that die instantly making them super painful to farm once the expansion’s over.