Mount doesnt say any difficulty any more

Why is LFR being left out?

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I don’t want it to be left out of course, but between normal and lfr? I’ll leave out LFR. In an ideal world, there would be a 4th bracket, maybe like xmog or something. But this world is far from ideal.

More folks do LFR than normal though, no?

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That’s excellent.

Now do it in normal three more times and you’re good to go.


/s hehe haha funny.

As i already told you i have been reading them. And i disagree with you. We will not come to an mutual agreement here.

I have. Also we are talking about the people on this forum currently and not the ones ingame of whom there are many that afk in LFR (or feel like they are afking because they are very bad at the game). And if you wanna go that route then we also have to include people that had their normal or heroic butt boosted as i’ve also seen people getting outed regarding that.

Thats presumption again.

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Maybe? Nobody knows as the kill achievements have been shared between lfr and normal since WoD, except I believe for Normal Archimonde kill before next patch.

And if all that mattered is amount of players doing it, why did heroic and mythic get their own rewards?

Because it it said any difficulty .

Other achievements have specifically said Normal or Higher.

So how else would you expect people to interpret it.

Also people have been talking about as far back to when we first learned about it yet it takes until now for them to go “Sorry LfR people the cat is not for you, you all get to kick rocks instead”

Because to be honest that is what it fells like they are saying .

If this had been handled months ago yes people would of been mad but probably would of gotten over it and gone ok I’ll be back in DF.

However BLizz waited until they got a bunch of pre orders and 6 month sales before addressing the situation .


You can also look at Warcraft logs. I know folks dont log LFR, but not many log normal.

Nobody logs LFR. Few logs normal. Doesn’t mean much. The only stat we have access to are achievements % and LFR/Normal are shared.

If LFR and normal kill achievement are shared as you said, the current tier only has 40% on WoWhead. So 60% of players dont do it.

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You’re being obtuse, and that’s why we won’t come to mutual agreement. I don’t really care if we do or don’t.

Exactly the same people.

Include whoever you want. Boosting is an interesting topic however, and is completely related to this. The people who aren’t going to group via traditional means are absolutely going to purchase boosts for this. I applaud them for doing what they need to do to get the rewards that they want.

Nah it’s irrefutable fact. There is a relatively loud minority of people on the forums who post victim threads in keeping with the recent doomsaying of WoW.

People have been saying that WoW is dying since I started playing in '05. This subject matter is no different than before, it’s simply the latest manufactured outrage trend. People are gonna get their mount, or they’re not.

It’s really that simple. Obfuscating and white knighting for forum trolls isn’t going to accomplish much either.

You know what I find funny. People say lfr is bad because people can afk in it and still get stuff. I have had people leave 15s and 4 manned them and they are still doable but harder without the 5th dps.

I don’t get the push for premade content honestly. LFR was like the most accessible mode.

The only thing that I can say is they want to chest out the new boosting channel. I am sure the boosters will be happy to have a product to sell to people. Wheras I find it extremly dissapointing that lfr players and below can’t work toward a goal this season unless they choose to pug.

And devs just hoping that players will be generous/charitable in letting them join there groups. Or most likely just pay for a boost with wow token gold.

Yeah. I was not surprised but also really hoping that they had given to try to change their image. How hard would it have been to just own up to a mistake? Why just slide it out and change the lingo and not even apologize? I haven’t pre-purchased and I have held out for reasons like this. I have supported WoW for many years, and I have done my fair share of putting in time on ‘hard content’. Had it said it from the start, I would not be nearly as annoyed. I just recently came back, and was hoping to see Blizzard’s recent acquisition of more employees and somewhat listening to the community had meant change for the better. Honestly this just makes me wish Ashes of Creation was out. Or I may just join the crowd and move on to Final Fantasy. Mini rant ended. Ugh.

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Equivalent to throwing your dirty clothes under your bed and calling it “cleaning”.

They never learn and they never change. Dragonflight will be more of the same.

Yup, the convenient timing of releasing their new 6 month sub mount just before all of a sudden deciding that LFR isn’t going to be getting it after having months to change the wording makes it look really grubby.

They’re not listening to feedback for Dragonflight and you’d be a sucker if you believe they are.


Maybe some of us just wanted to take this season easy and do it in lfr only .

Seeing how it is doing the same 3 raids of the expac over again

You’re so dark, are you from the DC universe?

Looks like instead, you’ll have maybe five months or so to get it done by taking it easy in normal.