Tazavesh Gearslider #584 - that was fun.
Dusklight Razorwing #585
Silky Shimmermoth mount 519
Sapphire Skyblazer 520
Fallen Charger 521
Winterborn Runestag 522
Maldraxxian Corpsefly 523
241 - Sapphire Skyblazer
242 - Ardenweald Wilderling
The game counts 240 <.<
#586 Hand of Nilganhmaht.
#611 - Crimson Shardhide (Malbog)
#612 - Maldraxxian Corpsefly
#613 - Hand of Nilganihmaht
#614 - Hand of Bahmethra
- #463 - Enchanted Dreamlight Runestag
- #464 - Ardenweald Wilderling
Count adjusted to reflect Kyzera’s usable amount.
#243 - Wild Glimmerfur Prowler - Got tired of my bad luck with Valfir so I bought it in the vendor :v
Game counts 241, discord bot counts 240.
#465 - Maelie, the Wanderer
Count adjusted to reflect Kyzera’s usable amount.
Sinfall Gravewing 524
Elysian Aquilon 525
Ardenweld Wilderling 526 (that makes all 4 covenant mounts)
Blisterback Bloodtusk 527
Hand of Bahmethra 528
After several failed attempts Sundancer is now mine.
#615 - Reins of the Wanderer
Ugh at last.
#244 - Maelie, The Wanderer Wandering Arden Doe
The game is now consistently behind by 2. Hmm.
#466 - War-Bred Tauralus
Count adjusted to reflect Kyzera’s usable amount.
/waves hi
Hi, I’m Caleasea and I am a mount addict.
And a pet addict, but that’s for another thread…
While I’m not as high up as some of you, I have a decent number. On this one, I am at 382. The last one I picked up was an oldie…Lucid Nightmare. It took me forever to get around to getting it!
Working on Maelie (two more days). I’ve been going around to all sorts of old places, looking for eggs and doing old raids as well, going for old mounts and pets.
- Pink horse
- 3 of the covenant mounts for renoun flying
- Venthyr mount in Korthia
- Waiting on corpse fly to spawn in 24 hours
Go tot he secrets discord and replace the below command:
?mounts caddarly barthilas US
#467 - Ratstallion
So glad to be done with this!
Count adjusted to reflect Kyzera’s usable amount.
#487 - Soulbound Gloomcharger, on 2nd opening of Ve’nari paragon cache.
#448 Vicious War Gorm
#449 Tazavesh Gearglider
#450 Admiralty Stallion (apparently I have BFA reps at exalted but none of the mounts purchased)
#451 (technically 401) Frenzied Feltalon