Most notable human in WoW

Khadgar is in this discussion, especially in light of the exchange between him and the shade of Medivh in New Karazhan.

Arthas is hard to evaluate. A lot of it comes down to whether you believe he was still human, per se, when he was acting as the Lich King. Given his appearance after being demasked, you could make the argument that he was some sort of human-Scourge hybrid. I mean, the story and the way it ends is a dead ripoff of the Darth Vader storyline from the original Star Wars trilogy, and does anyone look at Vader in the first two movies and think he’s human, even if part of him really still is?

There’s also the question of whether you give additional weight to humans who are acting on behalf of humanity, which is how Varian, Uther, Tirion, Turalyon and other major kings/knights get to be considered for the honor. Otherwise, if you’re basing it strictly on inherent power and you don’t think it’s Arthas, then it has to be Aegwynn, Khadgar, Medivh or Jaina.



He is the reason war raft happened, he brought the horde to azeroth, he is an enternal and is famigthing great cosmic treads out there

The thing about Arthas is he was important for the story but I don’t really think he was that powerful, until Ner’zul (aka Lich King) merged with him.

Aegwynn for obvious reasons. But I’d rate Medivh as more powerful. Possibly the most powerful. He inherited the Guardian power from Aegwynn and also Sargeras essence. So in him you have the combined power of the Guardian and a Titan. He was powerful enough to survive death and is still lingering around Karazhan in some type of spirit astral form.

It’s tough. I’d say Arthas was the most important for current WoW in terms of story. But I’d say Medivh is the most powerful.

Powerwise it’s Aegwynn or Medivh. Even LK Arthas would of been a fly with broken wings compared to what they could do.
In terms of presence: Jaina’s been around since Warcraft 3. She predates the Wrynn’ father+son in terms if how long we’ve known and been around her and has been part of the Alliance story ever since

This horde propaganda needs to die. Someone suddenly gets tired of the Horde’s constant nonsense from those days and now they’re a dreadlord? Please.

Almost certainly Arthas, yeah.

Id say Aegwynn personally.

Why? She stopped Sargeras herself, and gave birth to the a child responsible for unleashing The Horde upon Azeroth.

Now feel free to disagree, but I feel The Orcs and Horde in general has been for more impactful on Azeroth than Arthas and The Scourge. Because even then the Scourge wouldn’t exist without The Hordes presence.

Everybody knows Arthas Menethil, even my friends who don’t play WoW!

Besides being one shot by an ore and being to sole heir to the strom throne he didnt really do much compared to tirion uther arthas jaina turalyon khadgar mediev bolvar varian. Even vancleef did more that lothor and he was a justified villian.

The meme shall live on. You can’t stop it.

Topper McNabb, the future king of Stormwind, one burger at a time :wink: :hamburger:

I appreciate your dark humour. :seedling: :grin:

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Important, yes.

Most notable though? Nah.

Arthas all day.

Without Anduin Lothar the Alliance wouldn’t exist…

Yeah all he did was get one shot by an Orc in the turning point and near effective end to the Second War… /s

Oh did I mention the only reason SW lasted so long was because of him?

Or that Varian only escapes SWs destruction because of him?

Anduin Lothar stands easily as the biggest hero of Stormwind.

Arthas was just a whiney thot.

Arthas is the face of WoW.

Easily the most notable character in all of wow

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I would with Medivh since he started all this by opening the Dark Portal.

Bolvar? He got lol stomped in the first and only fight we see him in as the “lich king”.

Maybe Tirion.

This is a good point and I debated this when I threw Bolvar out there but I didn’t want to make a lengthy OP.

Personally, I do still consider them as human, if only because the game allows both human and undead death knights. It would seem odd (and redundant) that an undead can become a death knight, so this leads me to believe that there is something going on that is separate from reanimation similar to other undead/Scourge. It is an endowment of power, similar in some respects to how mages and warlocks wield power, and they are undead but they are not reanimated. They are truly soulless.

Is that what a wight is? Not sure what the term we want is, but I consider Arthas and Bolvar to be human in their tenure as the Lich King, even if they are severely warped.

Arthas is the most recognizable on a global standpoint from the real world…

From a grand lore perspective Aegwynn and Medivh are probably the most impactful humans in Azeroth’s history…

From a current lore perspective Khadgar might still hold that position… I mean being the “archmage of the entire universe” tends to make a statement…

Surprised I have not seen a mention of Turalyon yet. Khadgar seems to get all the fame cause out Outlands and Legion, but it was Turalyon who took up Lothar’s sword and struck down Blackhand. He then lead the Son’s of Lothar as its general into Outland and stopped the Horde again. He had universal fame from that from all the other Alliance races minus the nelves cause they were all part of the Sons.

Then there is his time with the Army of the Light. He fought for over 1000 years, became so infused with the Light that he became immortal, and gained enough prestige and power to become a High Exarch among the other races of the Army. Out of all the Human characters he embodies the Alliance the most. Nobility that brings together the various races under one banner.

Asmongold, for sure.

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