Most notable human in WoW

Weighing everything: lore, presence, and power.

My first thought was Arthas, and I think that would be it for most people, but lore-wise and power-wise, I think there is plenty of competition. Aegwynn the first Guardian or Medivh come to mind. Turalyon. Bolvar… maybe. Certainly post WotLK.

I’ve got a pretty decent background in Lore but nothing crazy, so I feel like I might be overlooking someone obvious. I think Jaina, Tirion, Antonidas, and other humans are very powerful but they don’t seem to be on the same tier as those mentioned above, although you could make the argument that their trajectory will take them above the top tier.

edit: It’s obvious by the content but just to be clear, we are looking for the GoaT, living or dead doesn’t matter.

Varian and jaina

For warcraft as a brand? Arthas 100%


Man I am going to catch a hard time for forgetting Varian ha ha. Too late to go back now.

He is like the avatar of Goldrinn right? Does that give him enhanced power? I really don’t know much about Varian.

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In relatively modern times, I’d say Aegwynn. She was incredibly powerful (she one-v-oned Sargeras) and her actions had lasting effects. When she defeated Sargeras, he occupied Medivh’s body, which ultimately led to him opening the Dark Portal and starting the First War.

If you want to go to ancient times, I’d say Thoradin since he founded the first human kingdom and brought magic to human society through his deal with the elves. He didn’t have tons of power himself (he was a great leader and a warrior but not literally world-breaking) but without that deal the great mages of humanity might not have existed.

Most likely Medivh, Aegwynn or even Jaina. The thing with early WoW stuff is we had a reaaaal big issue with mages and how OP and notable they were compared to everyone else.

That would be top tier as characters that did something there are many that just exist or were half written into plots for a zone/event.

I agree. It’s pretty much 1. Arthas 2. Jaina 3. Anduin?

The other choices are far less notable even if you consider power and other factors. I’m sure something like 75% of WoW’s population won’t even know who they are going by some of the people I have met.

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Aren’t mages basically the reason for a ton of conflict as well? Demons are literally drawn to arcane power.

I immediately think Jaina, then maybe Khadgar.

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I think it basically works like a beacon. They don’t have a particular compulsion per se but it definitely helps them find there way here. They already knew about Azeroth before humanity had magic but after the War of the Ancients the elves were careful about it. Humanity was… less so.

Though, on that note, why didn’t Troll magic seem to attract the same attention? They were known to have powerful magics, and even the elves couldn’t perfectly copy some of what they wielded.

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Anduin Lothar not being on an important human list is sad.

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it’s not her own power though

bad effects, nothing good

She’s such a terrible person. Stole power she was entrusted to keep (and nobody could take it back, cause it’s just so much power), then concieved a child JUST to keep that power away from those “terrible” men.

The power of the Guardian wasn’t “hers” but she was chosen for a reason.

He asked about notable humans, not good ones. Regardless of her motivations or the morality of them, her choices massively shaped modern Azeroth.

I’d say Jaina.

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I seem to have made a name for myself recently.


John Keeshan, one man army and stomper of orcs.

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Darius Crowley.
He might not stand toe to toe with a god in power, but you bet your butt he’d try. This man is the most selfless, courageous, understanding, and kind human around. Anduin doesn’t hold a candle to him, too doubtful. Genn is too angry. Varían was too headstrong. Crowley is soft spoken, gentle, and confidant. perfect man.
And he’s attractive too!

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Maximillian of Northshire.

Jaina is a dreadlord. She does not count.