Most iconic Class sets

So as everyone knows the most iconic paladin armor set, and just all armor sets if we’re honest, is the T2 Judgement set.

What about all the other classes. What does the community feel is the most iconic armor set for each class.

Disclaimer: no Evokers or DH allowed. You guys haven’t been around long enough to have an iconic set.


Bloodfang for Rogues and T3 for priests for sure.


Dreadwyrm Battleplate is pretty iconic for DK. Scourgelord is also quite recognizable.


I’ma have to go with Scourgelord hands down

Closest thing dks have to arthas armor


OG Field Marshal’s/Grand Marshal’s gear from Vanilla PvP

Throw in the huge 2-hander, and it’s pure nostalgia


i don’t think mage has one. They all kinda ugly and you have to take pieces from different ones. Maybe ulduar one looks like some dalaran armor. But in legion they reworked T6 that looks like you’re a tesla coil

Aren’t you the one quibbling about a marksman hunter not being the game’s ranged assassin, or some such nonsense?

You’ve got some bad takes on things, my friend.

Because they’re not…

MM is like green arrow

A ranged rogue would be like Deadshot.

MM is not a stealthy skulker who executes their target. They’re just typical high fantasy archers.

Not that hard.

Don’t see what this has to do with this thread though…

But yes judgement is objectively the best armor out of all classes, PERIOD


T1 Might


T2 Wrath

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You mean T1.

With Benediction.

That is the prototypical priest look!

Good point, but why not both? :dracthyr_heart:

Also, I was taking a break when they removed Ana/Ben from the game, so sad about that because my priest was never my priority at the time. :scream:

Malefic Rainment for Destro Warlocks
The New Aberrus set for Priests is beautiful
The Avatar Rainment ,Regalia of Dying Light for Priests are awesome too!

Valorous Dreamwalker for Resto Druids
Stormrider’s for Balance Druids

Black Temple set for Arms Warriors
Molten Giant set for Fury Warriors
Juggernaut Battlegear for Prot Warriors

And you can’t even see sets on the dragons anyway. Kek

Disagree. I’d say Black Temple/Tomb of Sargeras is the most iconic.
T2 Judgement is just the most popular.

IMO Legion sets really nailed class fantasy the best.

The glad set from final legion patch for warriors

Idk about iconic but it is dope war set.

The dk icc set and uld sets are good.

Lock black rock foundry set

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Druid-T2 the antlers thing
DK -the rare quality set from the starting zone
Paladin- agree on Judgement plate
Monk- Siege of Orgrimmar now and forever, apparently
Priest - Tier 5 and T6 are both really iconic. I’m partial to T8
Rogue - T5
Shaman - T6
Warlock - T6 again
Warrior - I’m biased. It’s technically T6 but the T20 glow up was better than most, IMO.

I skipped mages because I can’t get over how much I dislike most of their armor sets.

EDIT: So a lot of TBC, and a lot of the same that got remade for Nighthold (correction- Tomb of Sargeras, I am a scrub at checking my references, thank you Briselody) IMO are the most iconic per class.

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I’m completely biased here, but I think all of the Warlock sets look nice. I will say some sets used to look a lot better, like T4, I think that’s the voidheart set, but it’s getting older and newer effects look better.

If we get a Void expansion, I’d love that set to get revisited.


Honestly I would put T5 & 6 ahead of both.

(It was Tomb of Sargeras)

And yeah the T6 glowup for priests was pretty great too, especially the pvp versions.


Eh. I hardly see priests in those anymore, and they’re a reminder of how much I absotively posolutely hated BC.

At least we can all agree the answer is not T2. lol

It’s funny because I’ve always been a fan of the Transcendance set, especially the BC dungeon pink variant. You’re right that not many people use it, though.