make your case. future google searches rely on it.
no fun, only suffering
Havoc DH provides the player an experience one can only replicate in AAA action games. The player has an arsenal of high damaging and spammable abilities to overpower any opponent. If the player feels they are going to die while in combat, they can utilize the bugs the demon hunter keeps in their toolkit. As of now, demon hunters only have two bugs which buff their defenses. Activating a bug and using Blur, you will get the highest dodge stat anyone has ever seen. If you are trying to get away from enemies entirely, you can use your second bug to disconnect from the battle entirely through Fel Rush.
I hope this short description will motivate individuals to try out the almighty demon hunter!
i puked in my mouth a little.
druid 110%. any spec doesn’t matter, being unsheepable, 1gcd-maximum-rootable, every spec can talent a stun and a dragon’s breath at the same time, every spec has 2.5 spammable control tools at least one of which works on every class in the game
anyone trying to revitalize their love of pvp in this game needs to make a druid right away, you won’t be disappointed
Druid is by far my favorite class followed by warlock and then demon hunter. I loved the play style of shadow priest back in the day but now I hate its design. Elemental and enchance is alot of fun but has way to many buttons for my small hands. BM hunter is fun at times but gets boring fast with the three button rotation.
Ret has to take this by far, delete people by accident is an amazing feeling
close second will be Fire Mage. instant attacks, multiple schools above average damage easy to learn but hard to master ( that’s where the high IQ comes in) cough RMP players
3rd place is DH, tons of passive damage, mobility ( once you play this class , you wont stop double jumping on your other toons)
From a healer’s perspective I’m actually having a blast on Rsham.
Shadow priest, totally not biased.
I don’t think anything tops DH. Can literally no voice, no chat and just tunnel someone and let the rest fall into place.
Pretty stress free as it comes
Incap roar =/= DB.
kyrian boomy is honestly really fun, would recommend to anyone looking for something new to play
the flap signal just goes out when someone alludes to druids being good, huh
Play Shaman and 1 shot with 47k vesper totems. Seems to carry a lot of players.
That’s always fun
Vesper should be deleted. Super degenerate gameplay.
Yes, if my 6 year old niece wanted to start playing I would definitely suggest DH.
Spin it however you want but if you say something wrong, expect to get called out. Typical of you to go this route instead of defending your actual take.
you are a worthless moron and i don’t owe a shred of energy to you beyond what’s entertaining. dumbass