Most fun arena class/spec

You’re so adorable. :hugs:

MoP demo lock hands down.

nothing has come close to exciting me as much really since then.

Destro cuz port/gate is really fun to play around; kinda wish I started out as fae instead of necrolord though

Ele is hot right now

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Night fae rsham is also pretty degenerate. Easier to stop than vesper but if they cover it properly it cranks pretty hard and with the cov leggo makes tide a like 50 sec cd.

It’s weird you get so hostile at him, I might not agree with everything flap says but he’s proven to be a very level headed poster.

I’ve only dabbled in Resto Shaman/healing and don’t see too many NF Rshamans.

I just don’t think gimmick plays like Vesper are good for anyone. I also don’t think the Earth Elemental legendary is good for anyone. I can press one button and get 100k damage in an arena.

I see the appeal but the way I look at it is; how does this benefit me long term? I’m looking at it from a learning point of view personally.

Flapz may not get my sarcasm but I’ve never seen him be vicious to anyone or anything but helpful and calm towards almost everything. I really don’t understand this level of vitriol towards him.


I don’t really play rsham either, but I do agree it’s not good for the game. I think a healer or two having good damage is fine but rsham damage with dwayne is overwelming and the ability to crank with vesper and night fae isn’t healthy. Healers shouldn’t be able to nearly solo kill someone in a stun like rshams will be able to next patch.

he goes out of his way to post things that are just provably untrue in weasely little mealy-mouthed ways that are hard to disagree with if you’re new or just uneducated. you would understand if your grasp of the game dwarfed his incredibly biased one to the extent mine and most other decent players’ does

Well, this is me right down to the ground. I probably have the least arena knowledge on this sub forum.

Man did he kill your dog or something what on earth.


it’s all right there level 10 weirdo. dunno what’s not clicking

but okay i’ll help, look at this thread. i post a list of generalities that i enjoy about the druid class. one of them is that it “has a dragon’s breath”. by this i mean, and any charitable read of it would understand, that it has an instant cc with which to tee up a ‘free’ casted cc, like old deep sheep or modern db sheep or modern war stomp clone/hex, unless a second person is there to stop the cast.

i am indisputably right about this; for the value of ‘has a melee-range instant cc akin to dragon’s breath on a cooldown available every go that can be chained into a longer casted cc’, all druid specs can talent into ‘a dragon’s breath’. the spirit in which it was said carries 100% of that context for anyone wearing a gladiator title.

but he wades in and disagrees because contentions that druid is an easy class are, we have to suspect by this point, personally insulting to him. the technicalities that db is differently ranged(cone vs circle), a longer cd(30 vs 18), removable by berserker rage, a different dr school(sap to set up fear, rather than fear to set up sap as DB sheep is) and has some ability to forgive dot ticks and not break(incap roar lacks this) are present, sure. but they don’t change the point that when you run up in the face of a solo healer, or jump on any stealth class the moment they open on a partner, you can press incap roar(db) and the target will have absolutely no options to avoid getting cloned(sheep) unless they get help from a partner. this is the meat of my original statement: ‘druid has a dragon’s breath’ in the most important senses.

i do not believe it possible for a reasonable individual without extreme personal biases to make it well past gladiator mmr without understanding all that context instantly and intuitively

Odd you call me a weirdo when you’re doing your best Ben shapiro impression over something minor.

you asked lol
there are no classic characters worth talking to, that’ll teach me

you are literally like 1200 rating don’t think you can call yourself a decent player as a kyrian boomy low

You could’ve replied with the paragraph instead of calling me a weirdo and I wouldn’t have called you a Ben Shapiro impressionist. For you’re actual point you two are just splitting hairs and clearly have too much history to be unbiased against each other.

You’re both multi glads but im shocked you don’t know what check pvp is

im calling him garbage not you?

I know. You could just call him bad instead of being a 1200 player. Atleast get your trash talk correct.