Most desirable unplayable race/class comboes?

i wish i could be a gnome DH

Pandaren druid
Blood elf druid(it’d be messed up with lore bit i’d love it)
Pandaren death knight
Worgen monk

San’layn monk and rogue
mogu warrior and warlock
eredar warlock and rogue
vulpera rogue and shaman

as far as what i think should logically be added to current races… worgen and goblin monk, pandaren death knight(a bit of a stretch but whatever)

I’d love an undead demon Hunter, it makes no sense but I’d love it.

dark iron death knights and void elf demon Hunters would be awesome too.

draenei rogue, night elf paladin,

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I love to see a gnome or goblin demon hunter.
Also like to see panda druid.
Mostly just something new. I have yet level sense i got back. I log on. look at him and log off and come here.

For me, the one I’d desire most would be Pandaren Druid, with August Celestial forms (Ox bear, Tiger cat, Crane moonkin, serpent travel form).
They’re another style of Mistweaving, they’d add another druid option without requiring new models, and they’d add a druid option to BOTH factions.

Also, there are lingering members of the Bloodtotem (before they drank the fel-aid) in Stormheim. They could easily be rogues too.

Lightforged Draenei might, though, if they lightbind demons into service like Yrel was trying with the Orcs. They’d have to have their icons and damage types changed from gruesome to shiny and from fel/shadow to fire/holy, though.

Came here to say this. :+1:

Dark iron dwarf death knight and zandalari death knight

I remember a thread that suggested lightforged warlocks. That was interesting. I know I suggested lightforged demonhunters with a holy kit and angel form but never really thought of an inquisitor with holy spells and holy demmons. It would be pretty cool new flavor of warlock (or maybe name changed to inquisitor so other races can play the reskinned class). There are some cool things they can do thematically if they choose to reskin a class (think druid race forms but what other classes can do). I could imagine a quest for the inquistor warlock reskin unlocking the class for certain races.

Tauren Rogue: the monster you can hear but cannot see.


Oh, forgot to actually respond to this.

I feel like any race should be able to become a demon hunter. Introduce it in a similar way to the allied races (I don’t mean a rep, but the scenario), and just have them pop up at 100 in Legion content with the basic gear set when created.

Gnome druids

allied race undead elf paladin.

they have such strong wills even in death as undead/forsaken that they can even wield ashbringer, even while enduring immense pain from the burning light and still do well in battle.

Not gonna lie but those feltotem models I think would be better for highmountain demon hunters if that ever became a thing.

The fact is that Blizzard is having a hell of a time balancing classes which makes some classes OP for months while others suck.

No one who loves WoW should ask for more classes , this will just make the problem really worse . I recommend that classes be cut down so that better balance is obtained .

Agreed but only because Blizz takes way too long to properly balance classes. If they were more efficient at this, it would not be an issue.

Terrible idea, we are already losing lots of abilities per class and you want them to reduce the amount of available classes? what is next, leave only one class for dps, one for tanking and one for healing?

Highmountain tauren warlocks.

They were all over the place in Highmountain questing; I was quite disappointed they didn’t have the option. Would’ve also been a cool way to separate HMs from normal tauren, similarly to how mag’har can be priests.


Are you replying to the right thread lol?

I think so