Most desirable unplayable race/class comboes?

Lightforged monk.

T’PAARTOS … makes me sad I can’t glow and be a male draenei punch vendor.

I would also like a dwarf druid. That’s pretty much the only thing I’d change Any for. Maybe.

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A bear, transforming into… another bear!

Count me in on that, chief.


Eh, lore can always be added. Maybe it was a small group of Bloodtotem who went along with it with the intention of subverting the Legion from within.

If they wanted to do it they could justify it. But yep it would just be really cool. xD


For defos! That would be awesome. Especially if they would just finally give us a hairstyle option like Archimonde; no hair but still with the crest thing.

Gnome paladins, because we can already be warriors so why not?


Zandalari demoniacs for demon hunters would be a good Horde counterpart to velf DHs.

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The main thing is that gnomes can be priests.

But I agree. Living with the dwarves should give a lot of excuse for this class/race combo to happen.

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A Dwarf Druid
Reason is I always wanted one since reading R.A. Salvatore’s “The Cleric Quintet” series, loved Pikel…
Beyond that, given that we are considered champions, I think we should be any race class combo we want…

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Pandaren Death Knights already have one in game and with pandas fighting and dying to the Legion it can happen.

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Worgen Monks

I just want to use damn Fist Weapons on the race it makes the most sense on.


Void Elf Paladin, because I want to wield the power of the Void and the Light.

Void elven Paladin, I don’t care how they do it but that should silence all the High Elf Fanatics

  • Undead Paladins
  • Draenei Rogues / Warlocks
  • Nightborne Druids

Tauren Rogue = would like to block the view of the entire raid melee

Undead Paladin = would like to know how the wow story writers would come up with the story, it should be interesting to see Lore-wise.


Draenei and Tauren rogues should be a thing, this includes Lightforged and Highmountain variants.

And before anyone gets a snarky “but hooves and stealth lol” shut up. For one, stealth in WoW is semi-magical in nature, and for two hooves are not particularly loud except when shoed and on cobblestone or pavement surfaces. There’s a reason cows and goats wear bells and it’s not because it’s fashionable. The fashionable part is just a bonus, it’s because no ranch hand wants to be squished between a wall and a cow that weights a literal ton. Not to mention how easily they can get lost without something to signify where they are. Beyond all that, if a surly dwarf or a stompy orc can stealth, there’s no reason a draenei or tauren couldn’t.

As for lore:

The draenei are known to have the Rangari, even in the main universe as per Chronicle. They exist ostensibly as hunters but there’s no reason not to have rogues in their ranks. We know this because of NPCs like Rangari Erdanii who happens to be a Sub Rogue. Now; the draenei themselves spent 25,000 years going from planet to planet, and that means gathering intelligence. Hunters are meant to go discover flora and fauna. What lives there, what’s poisonous, what can be eaten or will eat them. Rogues are for information gathering. Is there intelligent life on the planet? Are they friendly or warlike, how intelligent are they? Should we mess with them or stay away?

Lightforged would logically have rogues as they specifically state that there’s been a thousand years of warfare under the noses of the Legion. Their entire M.O. is sneaking around and attacking in guerrilla warfare that involved taking whatever they could out and then ducking away before they got caught. They functioned as sappers and saboteurs. Even with the stupid ‘but they glow, how can they stealth’ arguments, there’s no reason to presume they wouldn’t or couldn’t counter that with magic or coverings. Add to that we meet various krokul who are shown in-game to have stealth, they could easily learn.

As for the Tauren? The Grimtotem, despite Magatha being a right psychopath, have sections which are specifically allied with Baine after an assassination attempt. They could easily act as the more ‘get things done no matter the cost’ arm of the tauren people and act as a more… forceful way of things compared to Baine. This would also allow for extra types of customization for the race that needs it the most. Seriously, four faces for the female tauren? This is a perfect way to expand that.

Highmountain are similar. We know from Legion questing there were three disparate tribes; one of which was the feltotem. With the defeat of the Legion it makes perfect sense that the demon blood they tied themselves to would lose power and offer them a chance to repent. Allow the race to be rogues to allow this, similarly as an extra customization option since they need it so much. Along with the Lightforged the Highmountain only have 5 options for classes and desperately need more. This fills that niche perfectly.


True story, one of the Alliances followers in Warlords is a Draenei Rogue.

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There’s several in the game, though most are NPCs that tend to be antagonistic to players. There’s been one in almost every expansion since the draenei were introduced.

Draaca Longtail is a rogue in Outland, wearing leather and dual-wielding maces.
Evil Dolly was added in Cataclysm, and functions as a rogue.
Mists of Pandaria added the absolutely wonderful and essential Mishka. She’s been a first aid trainer and an integral part to the SI:7 missions in game. She does have rogue attacks, using two daggers and attacks like Fan of Knives in some of the MoP-era scenarios.
Rangari Erdanii, whom I mentioned earlier, was a Sub Rogue follower in Warlords, which also introduced the Rangari as an official order.
Legion showed us that, physically, eredar/draenei are functionally capable of being stealthy assassins as the Assassination Rogue artifact weapon was held by a trained eredar; one Akaari Shadowgore.


Will never happen ever. All draenei who use fel are eredar - and the draenei kill eredar on sight.

I think highmountain warlocks as feltotems would be cool. Lorewise I can see a few warlocks surviving legion by storing there soul stones somewhere safe. They then can see the horde and alliance defeated the Legion and think about joining the horde again in the aftermath. It is shown some bloodtotem were left uncorrupted and are part of the highmountain. Perhaps they would rejoin there families as well as join the bigger army. This would also unlock feltotem customization options those feing fel horns fel covered fur possibly spikier skin green eyes/tattoos and warlocks maybe rogues.

They may also consider joining if other legion races also join the horde such as eredar. At least those are lore reasons I would like to see.


Lightforged Draenei Shaman… I’ll even settle for better horn/hair customizations.

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