Most clown moment in the lore?

You are correct but that’s just not enough to go off of is my point. If someone in a cops uniform committed a crime and an eye witness testifies, you still have to verify the information, not just take it at face value.


At the same time, people often go with information that confirms already held beliefs. That and eye witness testimonies were sometimes all someone needed in pre-enlightenment era societies, and even today in some cases. ‘Innocent until proven guilty’ is a pretty new concept.

I don’t think it is out of character or strange at all that Cairne acted the way that he did.

  1. “Draenor is free”
  2. Thrall making Garrosh leader of the Horde then being surprised he started a world war.
  3. Vol’jin making Sylvanas leader of the horde because of “voices”
  4. Anduin in general.

Imagine hating the one alliance leader who led their team to victory against the Horde during a world war.

No. It was not. It was just Orcs without clear banners or other things to identify them. Hamuul told Cairne they were ambushed by Orcs and he instantly thought it was the doing of Garrosh. Which makes him look stupid and irrational.

This is made even goofier by the fact that the world hasnt had a Lich King for about 4 years now. Most Scourge was handled in a PRE-EVENT and the rest off screen with seemingly less casualties than Wrath itself.

We’ve been on the Dragon Isles for a bit now an NOBODY seems to care that all of the Scourge was set loose just 4 years ago despite Terenas making it sound like it’d lead to a zombie apocalypse.


I think BFA and Shadowlands have already been pointed out. Personally the most clown moment for me in this expansion took place in Stormwind with Otan Tennoh in the park. To those who don’t know, dracthyr get an “exclusive” quest from this guy who walks you through the park blaming you for everything that deathwing did to the city before leading you to a literal mob of angry people who looked like they were ready to lynch me. They back down after you use your magic to heal them. I’m so "grateful "they decided not to hang my character because she is somewhat useful to them and cured their arthritis or whatever.

Even though the dracthyr themselves have been all but forgotten by their creator for many years and had no connection to what the Deathwing had been up to they still get the same treatment that demon hunters and death knights received when they first arrived. Ironically they are the only hero class that doesn’t have innocent blood on their hands.

To be fair, I get what Blizzard was planning with this quest. People are still upset about Deathwing and Onyxia way back when but it still felt a tad forced to me for some reason and it still kind of urks me more than anything else in this expansion…aside from maybe the primalists. Which I think is a good thing.

Dracthyr will become irrelevant once Dragonflight is over you can be sure of that.

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I’m glad that the horde didn’t have a similar quest and they were accepted more readily. Partially because nobody has a leg to stand on to begin with when it comes to pointing fingers, but Ebonhorn’s word carries more trust with horde leaders than Wrathion’s does with the alliance without Anduin being there to vouch for him.

Is this what you do all day? Get on the forums and act like a nuisance with all your ranting and raving like it’s going to accomplish anything apart from annoy everyone here?

What sort of life is that?

Seriously the Scourge gets unleashed while Azeroth’s militaries are exhausted from fighting eachother then the Black Empire, all while most of the world’s military leaders and mute murder hobos are missing.

And the confirmed casualties of this apocalyptic event are; one carpenter in Lakeshire.

I mean. Still sad don’t get me wrong. But they really overhyped how bad that was going to be.


Okay but for whom precisely was Tyrande BTFO’ing Nathanos for, precisely?

Like Tig Bitty Moon Pope vaporizers the dudes dogs. Then effortlessly beheads the Sassy Woodsman.

And like, okay? Was anyone surprised by the outcome of that fight? It was like Goku VS Woody. Tf was anyone doing wondering how that was gonna play out.

Now imagine that with say Voss and it’s the Forsaken having a reckoning with their betrayers. And like is an actually interesting fight.

But no we just had Sailor Moon body the Huntsman from Snow White.

Again I ask - WHO WAS THAT FOR?


It was certainly a waste. Like a Return of the Lich King style expansion practically writes itself! Such an expansion could have happened before Shadowlands and truly flesh out the Jailer. But no, the entire setup was just wasted.


The saddest thing for me is how much Jim Pirri CRUSHED IT in his role as Nathanos.

The gasps and labored breathing. Just owned it. We were robbed.

Seriously show me a better preformance. Just, excellent acting.


The funniest part is. In the novellas. That ‘path’ is literally climbing down the shear cliffs between Felwood, a place overrun with demons and blindly violent nature spirits. Like… an army climbing down a completely exposed mountain side full of Chimaera, who explicitly have a natural EMPHATIC bond with the Night Elves who would just start blasting the completely defenseless, ‘back to the sky’ army while they’re climbing down- assuming a few druids or an ancient don’t just cast a spell to crush them all in a rockslide.

It’s as hilarious as the novellas saying the Horde SWAM UNDER THEIR NAVY when each boat has ghost wisps on it whose purpose is being able to sense people in the waters.

Or these clown writers forgetting the Sisterhood of Elune are military leaders and having them just chill in the temple???


On top of Oribos, Eternals gathered:
“Ok folks, we now know that Zovaal is trying to get our sigil and he is going to attack Ardenweald next. We have to do everything in our power to stop him from getting this sigil, otherwise reality will cease to exist”
Winterqueen: “Oh boy, sure thing! I will leave my sigil in my living room, put one doofus there as a guard and then send all my other troops outside and leave the place open.”

idk, inordinate pride is pretty commonplace with supreme deities.

This is a weird wisp ability.
Then again, every wisp ability is a weird wisp ability.

Mana burn explosion meet passive body location.

Eh, spirit vision or something I suppose? Blizz also doesn’t bring up Elune’s connection to tides much either. Given a lot of other nature spirits like the Ancients can view the world through the earth or wind, not unreasonable to me that some just sense life essence or see through the water.

Blizzards world building in regards to magic / magical entities is just weird lmao.

Take your pick:

  1. Nelfs joining the literally Satan (From Nelfs perspective alliance is literally anti-everything nelfs is for in wc3/throne) side to fight against the Horde, because of some trees.
  2. Nelfs mages.
  3. Undead Hunters.
  4. Making Illidan/Kael into villains, only to later say “nvm Illidan is good now”.
  5. Void elfs. And TBC belfs campaign in general - lore states that only 10% of entire elf’s population had survived, then out those 10%, blizzard created 3-5 factions in TBC, and atop of this they made Voide Elfs, which would be like 0.00000001% out entire population. So unless elf’s population before Scourge invasion was like India+China, the entire TBC plot is complete brain dead. Even more so, - belf on start of TBC - “Ok, good times made us soft and weak, so we must do whatever it takes to survive”, belfs at the end of expansion "Yeah Adal, blood knights will serve you, and what is about “get our sh*t togethe?”, han we better become Light’s lap dogs again!
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