When Genn simply stood beside Anduin as he was taken, and instead of attempting to attack, maybe having some guards nearby, he shouted “Sylvanas”. I mean, where were even the gryphon riders!? Beyond Clownery, simply displaying a lapse in Stormwind’s defenses XD
Let us not forget that Wrathion backed Garrosh twice in his attempt to destroy the Alliance. Sadly the story is to focused on the bro love between Anduin/Wrathion to actually have any depth in the story. I mean Wrathions actions lead to not only the Iron Horde invasion but the Legion invasion as well. He is partly responsible for Varians death but somehow he is still chummy with us. All I can ask is why?
From my point of view Wrathion’s head should be mounted on the walls next to Onixya and Nefarian considering the amount of death and destruction he has caused the Alliance.
They may as well put an actual clown nose on Sylvanas after BfA
For me it’s “I will never serve”
They could have just… not given it to Frost DK’s then? Walmart-brand Frostmourne as 2 smaller weapons is at least marginally better than Unholy and Blood both having a random sword and axe that belonged to some random demons who are definitely very important and not just made up because each spec has to have a unique item.
@ the topic: the entirety of Shadowlands, just completely and totally having its way inappropriately with the established lore and retooling the already broken cosmology just to make it even more ****ed by retroactively making the Chronicles books literally Titan propaganda.
The Alliance being shocked when the Forsaken deploy the Val’kyr in Andorhal and being overwhelmed by it. Despite the fact that they knew about the Val’kyr in the EARLIER zone of Silverpine Forest and even modified their tactics to combat it by using Non-Human soldiers.
Also the fact that the Alliance seems to forget they have Paladins any time they have an engagement against the Forsaken.
And the plague/blight. Don’t forget that the Alliance ALWAYS forgets the forsaken are going to use it in nearly every battle the forsaken participate in
When the Horde council ceded Silverpine and Hillsbrad to the alliance acting like could have just given up on the eastern Horde. Frkn traitors all of them.
Sylvanas: This isn’t what he promised me, Zovaal said he could set our souls free!
Thrall: Free?! His name is THE JAILOR!
Sylvanas: Yeah, and two Lich Kings were former paladins! I thought it was supposed to be poetic irony!
And yet they let 100 Ashbringers go around. And Ashbringer was infamous in Vanilla, and the story goes that Alexandros could literally obliterate entire legions of undead with it in a blink of an eye. It was an extremely overpowered weapon and the most iconic paladin weapon in the history of WoW. It also broke Frostmourne like it was but a stick.
If the paladin could wield THE Ashbringer, then why couldn’t DKs wield Frostmourne?
I didn’t mind this, given the context that Legion provided about said catapults. If you listen to Sylvanas on the ship during the intro quests to Stormheim, she says “The new catapults are faster and more powerful than ever before. I have our Goblin allies to thank for that.” and that catapult is indeed extremely powerful, able to yeet plague cannisters extremely fast and an extremely long distance.
Could that same catapult technology have been employed in Darkshore? Yes, and it was.
The writing explains this easily actually. The Horde were employing shamans, asking the spirits of air and fire to help them, which allowed the flames from the catapults to race up the tree into the upper branches. Once the flames got into the leaves, that was it.
I just got done arguing with it. Suffice to say, Frostmorne is iconic to Warcraft. People, even casual fans/just gamer fans would probably know what Frostmorne is. The same could not be said of say Doomhammer or Ashbringer.
Doomhammer and Ashbringer are as iconic to WoW players as Frostmourne is.
Splitting Frostmourne into two pathetic little blades was terrible and spat on the blade’s legacy just as much as how Crown of Wills spat on the Helm of Domination’s legacy. Even more when both Unholy and Blood artifacts were depicted as far more powerful and devastating than original Frostmourne ever was.
Frostmourne destroyed one human kingdom. Maw of the Damned and Apocalypse devoured countless worlds.
Ashbringer was so overpowered that its wielder had to be backstabbed in other to lose, because not even an ambush of thousands of undead could do anything against it. They were all turned to ashes within seconds. Ashbringer snapped Frostmourne like it was a wooden stick.
Other specs got to enjoy such powerful and awesome weapons. What did Frost DKs get to enjoy? Two watered down sticks from a broken blade that even in its prime couldn’t stand against Ashbringer.
Doomhammer was in the movie.
Might have been said already, but anything related to the Night Elves since BFA.
Burning of Teldrassil, Elune cucking Tyrande’s out of her Vengeance, Elune being too stupid to know the Death Machine is broken, “VeNgEaNcE oR rEnEwAl”, and now Malfurion swapping places with Ysera.
All of it. Awful, horrendous.
But lately, something I think is pretty stupid? Sally Whitemane is raised into Undeath and is just chill with it?
Like, it only makes sense if we are assuming Bolvar is using the Helm of Domination to make them comply. But now the Helm is broken so… Why not have an undead Whitemane break ranks and start up the Crusade again? Maybe not the Crusade as it was, but a Crusade that is still trying to return Lordaeron to it’s former glory? A Crusade that includes self-loathing undead who back a return of House Menethil(Calia) to the Throne?
Imagine the point of contention that would make? Calia being a voice for peace and reunification, but is supported by one of the Forsaken’s oldest enemy? Her main political rival is Lilian Voss, a Scarlet Traitor and the person who masterminded Whitemane’s death?
I think some cool stuff can be done with that plotline.
But no, Blizz is probably going to be like “ShE dEvElOpEd A bOnD wItH tHe EbOn BlAdE tHaT cAn OnLy ExIsT bEtWeEn SoLdIeRs”
That bit about Sally Whitemane is actually a good idea, though I don’t know why she’d remake the Scarlet Crusade. Plus, given the story direction, I think the Scarlet Crusade would just be the story’s punching bags with no nuance or deeper plot. Is that what you’d want to see?
Honestly I wouldn’t say it’s a ‘clown moment’ but I do wish Blizzard had tapped further into the idea that time moves differently in the Shadowlands. They had a significant opportunity to do something with that, and I even had an idea for it myself.
This is an excerpt from my ‘Shadowlands Plan’ that covers my idea a bit:
The Shadowlands Events Begin - First Stop, The Maw!
So now we get to the start of the expansion, where in the live game we learn that the Mawsworn have abducted various leaders of the Horde and Alliance, notably Baine, Thrall, Jaina and Anduin. Why haven’t I mentioned this? Well because in my version of the Shadowlands this never happens. Personally I didn’t like the idea that Sylvanas would abduct any of these leaders, it just never made any sense and so in my version of the Shadowlands, she doesn’t. Instead Thrall, Baine, Jaina and Anduin choose to cross the boundary along with Tyrande. All of these leaders have a personal stake in wanting to take down Sylvanas Windrunner. For Anduin, she’s responsible for the death of his father, Varian. For Baine, Sylvanas was responsible for tainting the reputation and honor of the Horde and torturing him. Jaina wants Sylvanas to burn for raising her brother Derek and attempting to use him as a living weapon and Thrall wants her dead for the attempted assassination on his life that would have also likely ended up killing Aggra and his children as well as being responsible for the death of his good friend Varok Saurfang. As for Tyrande? Well her reason for going after Sylvanas is painfully obvious, most of her race was destroyed thanks to Sylvanas’s choice to burn Teldrassil.
Bolvar establishes the gateway into the Maw using the shards of the Helm of Domination, but warns everyone that the portal is unstable because the helm was shattered. What he creates is not some giant black portal on the floor that sucks in everyone it touches, rather it is an actual portal that individuals can go through at will but it looks distorted and it flickers, showing its instability. Darion and the Ebon Blade are the first to go in, followed by Tyrande, Baine, Anduin, Thrall, Jaina and then finally the player character.
Crossing the portal however was not a smooth transition, Bolvar was spot on in the sense that the portal was unstable and when you emerge, you are not with any of your allies. You are in the Maw, but you are surrounded by many dead Death Knights. Most disturbingly, some of them have clearly been dead for years, not mere moments. This sets up the idea that time moves differently in the Shadowlands (this will be expanded on a bit later). Pushing through into the Maw, you get a better picture of what happened. Darion and the Ebon Blade appeared and were immediately ambushed by the Mawsworn, many of them have been killed and some have been dominated and are enemies that you have to defeat.
Darion is one such dominated Death Knight, and you are forced to fight him, but before he is killed by you he is able to break free of the compulsion and stop you from killing him. Badly wounded thanks to the thrashing you gave him, he gives you a rundown of what’s happened so far similar to how Jaina does so in the live game. He reveals that he and his forces were ambushed and scattered over 6 years ago, and those who survived the initial ambush were hunted down and dominated by the Mawsworn Inquisitors. While he was trying to survive he aided Tyrande and Baine, but that was years before you arrived and then he was captured and dominated, so he hasn’t seen or heard of the others.
Genn attacking the horde war chief and it not starting a war. How can you attack a head of state and it not start a war?
I’ve always hated this stuff. “CITIZENS OF AZEROTH” is awful. Azeroth is not a municipality. No one has sworn alliegance to azeroth. No one has Azeroth as a zip code. What is this nonsense. “Citizens” is an awful damn word. Applying it to a planet-wide scale (especially when you’re addressing like ten people) is… uuuuuuugh
Genn has exactly two modes
He’s about as deep as a jell-o cup.
Blizz writers: Starting a war is Evil! Therefore, only the Horde can do it!