Most clown moment in the lore?

And yet when they got a chance to give death knights Frostmourne in Legion, they didn’t. And while yes I of all people agree Blizzard can change their mind, I wont be holding my breath that Frostmourne will be usable/transmogable anytime soon.

At this point Blades of the Fallen Prince will be the closest anyone will get to wielding Frostmourne.

That was actually a smart move. The Zandalari essentially lost theit entire military strength here which was caused by the Horde coming to Zandalar in the first place. The faction offers them nothing in return for their aligance considering that Baine and Thrall made it clear they will never harm Jaina.

Kul Tiras was a love letter to lovecraft and maritime culture. Zandalar was a bunch of half bummed Wakanda references.

Nah. hunters and priests had it worse. The best questline was warlock and DK for sure.

They literally gave us the weapon, they just turned it into dual wield.

Which is not Frostmourne. Which is my point, twice Blizzard went the route of “we are giving you something close to Frostmourne, but not Frostmourne” with both Shadowmourne and Blades of the Fallen Prince.

The first time it was because Metzen forgot that Frostmourne doesn’t make you the Lich King.

The second time it was purely because they decided to impose dual wield. They made a brand new never used anywhere else in the entire game two handed Frostmourne model for the frost artifact quest chain specifically because they originally intended for us to wield it.

A very stupid dev who should have their entire pay for Legion redacted imposed dual wield.

Heading off zerde’s lies about the Frostmourne model that is seen absolutely not one single place else in the entire game:


Wrong. Because Xe’ra literally made multiple prophecies that came true;

  • Turalyon did not die on Argus.
  • Turalyon and Alleria did see their son again.
  • Restoring Illidan really was her last act of service to the Light.
  • Illidan did help end “the age of demons”.

That’s not just a hint, that’s confirmation by irrefutable evidence. Alleria needed both the Light and the Void to fully see the future (both Light and Void only know parts of it), so the Light also has some knowledge of the future (easy to see when the Void isn’t clouding the mind :wink: ).

Even limited prophetic ability (accurately seeing the future on occasion like she did) is still better than none (like Illidan).

My biggest clown moment was deffo all of TBC. The lore was butchered to get more raid and dungeon bosses. Historical lore names like Kael’thas and Kargath were treated like dirt and I still have not forgiven Blizzard for this.

You’re comparing the attitudes of the dev team from 2008 to the attitudes of an almost entirely different dev team in 2016. Essentially, unless you have an actual quote or something, you’re spouting your own headcanon.


Source that he actually forget? And you do realize if he did forget, WoW is made of a team, they literally joked about Frostmourne and it being a player weapon

This is the same team that just disenchanted the Helm of Domination so we could get the Crown of will. Yeah, something tells me even if they ever decide to make Frostmourne into a player item it wont be for a long time.

the blizzcon where they announced wotlk.
also, the item literally says “mAkEs yOu tHe lIcH kInG”

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You know that was suppose to be a joke right?

  • Theoretical stats for Frostmourne as a World of Warcraft item were shown during the BlizzCon 2007 Lore panel as a joke. The quote on the item tooltip, “Hail to the King, Baby!”, is a phrase popularized by Bruce Campbell’s Ash at the end of Army of Darkness. The developers said they were “still working the fine details” and that the Equip effect was “shot down by various powers-that-be” (illustrating the potential problem with a screenshot of the new Lich King, Private Ownusohard). However, they closed with “we’ll get something to you guys, we promise.” During a Class Panel Discussion at BlizzCon 2009, Blizzard developers revealed that the “something” in Icecrown Citadel was a new legendary axe, [Shadowmourne].

That’s what I was talking about. Shadowmourne isn’t even made of Frostmourne pieces and yet it manages to have a similar hilt and the same horned skull ornament.

Ion was in the Dungeon & Raid team at the time

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That’s because everything related to Icecrown citadel was just themed after The Maw.

Honk Honk! Wakka wakka!


Something that doesn’t happen isn’t a prophecy.

You seriously call this a prophecy?

She didn’t we did by uniting Illidan’s body and soul. All she did was try to light bind him, a process that didn’t take.

The Champions did all the heavy lifting. And if X’era was so wise about the future, why didn’t she foresee the consequences of trying to forcibly convert Bat Boy?

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There are just too many to choose from I figure. Even if I were to choose one it would almost be an injustice to another. But the choice I will make is a two-parter because I’ve been playing Tauren since the beginning so it’s special to me.

First and foremost, the current High Traito–I mean High Chieftain, Baine Bloodhoof giving a Horde flagship away to pirates and killing Horde soldiers to free a corpse.

Secondly, and it is only mildly related because it is what brought on Baine’s ascension to High Chieftain. The strange characterization of High Chieftain Cairne that led to his duel with Garrosh. Cairne was an old, wise and patient Tauren, and you’re telling me that he took the information that Garrosh ordered an attack on Druids just because one of his druids told him the attackers were Orcs?
They made my boy senile, and despite knowing to honor ones traditions and customs, he barges in when Garrosh is getting his Chieftain tattoos (the ones on his face), which for the Warsong is a sacred rite. Accuses him of these crimes with no evidence other than hearsay, and then challenges him to Mak’gora, despite the “to the death” portion not being a desired practice in his best friend Thrall’s Horde (this is known by Garrosh which is why he suggested it, it even states in the story that he hoped this information would make Cairne back down).
I loved Cairne as a character, and even wanted him to win the duel, but they made him have a stroke or something in that moment because he is not hot headed and deserved better.


How’s THIS for a clown moment?

Kairoz the Bronze dragon using his time magic to put manacles on Garrosh when the latter attacks him, only to then turn his back to dangerous and untrustworthy orc and MONOLOGUE on becoming “Infinite”, allowing Garrosh to gank him with a shard of the Vision of Time.

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“I will never serve.”


I mean it wasn’t just that they were Orcs though, was it? Didn’t the Twilight’s Hammer cultists deliberately masquerade as agents of Garrosh and the Horde? The entire plan with this incident and skinning the Night elves was to increase tensions between the Alliance and Horde so that war would be inevitable.


She correctly prophesied that his death wouldn’t happen.

It is. They were travelling the stars on a war against an army of omnicidal demons, the odds of survival were slim at best.

The prophecy part was that restoring him would be, quote “(her) last act in service to the Light.” Which came to pass when her attempt to Lightforge Illidan failed with him killing her.

Did you do the Light’s Heart quests in Legion? Where Xe’ra sent us to those locations and gave us info on Illidan’s past. Or the quest where we save Illidan’s soul from Helya and put it in Light’s Heart. Xe’ra played a big role in helping return Illidan’s soul to his body, and how you feel about her doesn’t change that.

If we did all the heavy lifting, what was the point of having Illidan in the story then? She knew she’d die on Argus, just not how because, as I said, Xe’ra had limited prophetic ability.

Neither the Light or the Void is all knowing. But the fact is that the Light also has some knowledge of the future, and Naaru, including Xe’ra, are capable of prophecy. Your blind hatred of the Light/the Naaru/Xe’ra doesn’t change that.