Definitely. Couldn’t have said it better myself. For me, the most clown moment was a tie between this and…
“I am my scars!”
That whole cinematic underneath the cringe. It was an angsty teen’s revenge fantasy about killing their mother/teacher/priest… but in cinematic form.
That Naaru was SO dangerous she got one-shotted by a half-elf/half-demon who got knocked on his butt by a random Pit Lord. If we see her again, she’d TOTALLY be as dangerous as Sargeras or the Old Gods after that . And her so-called fanatical followers literally said and did nothing after Illidan vaporized their commanding officer/guardian angel of thousands of years.
And we’re expected to believe ancient cosmic beings who can see the future aren’t as smart as younger, blind magic addicts who spent 9/10 of their lives in a small underground jail cell? Give me a break.
There’s so many clown moments, even with people’s different tastes, we can have multiple “Top 10” lists of these moments.
As for my other 9 “Most clown moments in WoW”;
Grom’s “Draenor is free!” moment where everyone sweeps it under the rug that he was a genocidal, racial supremacist tyrant… including the target group for his genocidal campaign.
The Warbringers Sylvanas cinematic. Sylvanas died because she was an archer who did a powerslide into sword’s reach of a knight while wearing bare midriff armor. It also makes it look like she burned Teldrassil and pulled an Arthas just to spite Delaryn.
Alliance and Horde leaders not immediately attacking Sylvanas when it’s clear she won’t surrender (both in the Battle for Lorderaen AND at the gates of Orgimmar).
Gallywix destroying all his documents and fleeing like a shady con-man when Sylvanas abdicates.
Geya’rah being a Sylvanas loyalist until the last minute where she suddenly switches sides. She’s not okay with people being forced to serve the Light, but she’s okay with people being forced to serve Sylvanas?
The Horde finding a secret path the Night elves (who’ve lived the land for 10000 years) didn’t know about and moving an army through it undetected.
Nathanos surviving a fight against BOTH Night Warrior Tyrande and Malfurion at the same time.
Night Warrior Tyrande having a kill-streak throughout Shadowlands… only to be stopped by Sylvanas’ plot armor.
Baine suggesting a ceasefire during the mourning of Rastakhan, who just died fighting the Alliance.