Morning or Late night Raiding guilds?

I’m a bar manager working in the central time zone, which allows me to start raiding around 11pm/12am-til at night or 8am/10am-til in the morning. Just wondering if there are any guilds planning to commit to raid times like these?

I played Vanilla extensively in both PvE and PvP.

Thanks for your help!

Have you thought about EU servers?

you in the chicago land area? Shimy needs work

Have you tried these guys?

If they’re the same people from the P servers ( Nost) They’re a great bunch of folk who are competent raiders, and been around for a bit.

that or try OCE guys, or British.

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Hadn’t thought of that. Thanks!

They’ll be starting too early sadly.

Alabama, actually Shimy.

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I’m probably going to be making a casual but focused raiding daytime guild

Oceanic servers migth work out for you but i’m not sure how you’d enjoy the latency issues you might come across.

Thanks for the shoutout. Yes we are the same group from the P Servers.

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