More Warbank testing

First of all, some quick thanks for a couple things. Thank you for moving the PTR up to the Beta build so we can interact with the Warbank in a more stable manner. That’s largely how I was able to dig deeper into these things. Second, a hearty thanks for allowing multi-select in the back sort criteria! I was happily surprised when I noticed they went from radio selections to multi-select. That also helped tremendously when I was setting things up.

So, the background, I moved 27 characters as part of the PTR test, most were max level or really close to it. The set included the seven characters I’d been using to max level each crafting profession. Almost all of those had maxed out Reagent Banks. Also, on Retail I have about 3.5M gold spread across all of the characters. I’m assuming that when this goes live that I’ll buy the first four tabs and learn to live without the fifth.

This afternoon I did my best to move over the most useful reagents to the Warbank from as many characters as possible. I started to try to move over the consumables but quickly ran out of space and had to focus on just one thing.

All told, I’ve managed to fill up 2.5 tabs, a majority of those slots are DF reagents. The three grades of reagents greatly contributed to that problem. I’m assuming that TWW will have similar amounts of reagent bloat so I’ll need to set aside two tabs just for current expansion reagents when that goes live.

One issue that came up with the Consumables is how some things don’t stack or their stack heights are REALLY low. Bags not stacking, I get why they don’t, but that really limits a tailor’s ability to use the Warbank to true up a large group of alts on current bags. The biggest offender on small stacks are the Insignia rep tokens. I’m not sure how useful those will be with Warband-wide rep, so maybe it’s a temporary issue. But anything that can be deposited in the Warbank should be stackable and to a level that doesn’t needlessly deplete slots.

One final item to mention is that the gathering trainer weeklies can’t draw from the Warbank to turn in the quests. Granted I could summon the Warbank and move it over, a definite improvement over mailing stuff around, but it’s not as frictionless as crafting and work orders.

Thanks again for all these improvements and hope this information is a helpful use case for a real world use of the new feature.

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There are indeed a huge number of reagents in TWW. I’m on beta and only using the warband bank for TWW profession items. I am currently doing all professions but engineering on beta (they are still in a very unfinished state). Reagents seem to have proliferated and I don’t know all their uses yet. I am 100 on gathering professions and around 50 on most crafting professions (some get stuck before then due to bugs or design). The initial levels for some professions require huge amounts of ore/herbs/skin and each gathering profession has a set of reagents associated with it. Fishing is also essential for the best cooking recipes.

So with fish, reagents, cloth, ore, herbs, boe greens (for de) I have 2 tabs filled already. I will only buy 3 on live - so will need to make decisions about what goes in the warband bank and what stays in individual toons reagent bank.

Gonna plug me beta thread cause why not; like whatever posts you feel is fair, comment if you have beta;

I agree functionalities are great. The cost is absolutely not acceptable

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