More usable cities

It’s a bummer that pretty much the only places people hangout is Val, SW and Dal.
If more places had an AH, or at least portals; do you think people would be more inclined to branch out in the places they like to put up their feet and hangout?

It makes sense for a central hub like SW to have the biggest number of portals (I think mage tower should get more too like a second floor with ports to iron forge, the new tree, etc)
I think some of the smaller cities would really benefit from a variety of portals to the smaller settlements in the surrounding zones.
Would kinda give you an excuse to at least travel through them once in a while.

Also can we open up gilneas, gnomeregon and whatever horde equivalents?


It’s really frustrating on an RP server honestly, Stormwind kinda sucks but it’s the only populated hub. Why not Boralus, the undisputed champion of MMO city design?

Also god, yes, please give us real progress on Gnomeregan.


Dornogal has an auction house.


…trading post.

…and even a hot spring. :world_map::robot:


I think this is specifically what they are trying to avoid. This seemed clear to me when they removed the portals from Dalaran and the MoP buildings. They want to concentrate all the players into just our faction capitols and the current expansion city.


In order for the cities to become relevant there has to be a reason for the players to go there. That means quests that expand into the rest of Azeroth and other races besides the faction leader, mostly human or orc depending.

Unless the need arises from a quest I rarely if ever leave the current zone. My Hearthstone gets set to the main city of the expansion and from there I can get to Stormwind or Ogrimar which I visit once a month to do trading post.


The new capital has everything the other capitals have? Crazy world we’re living in.


Wasn’t always like this. The auction houses were engineer only during Pandaria, Legion, BfA, and Shadowlands. :nut_and_bolt::robot:


I’ve never understood why clowns hang out in SW at all.

IF is the OG hangout.


If all the cities had everything org and sw have in them, then it would make other cities seem like it’s not a dumb idea to bind a hearth to them.

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I think as Gnasha said, the devs do not want to split the player population, rather they want the population concentrated in the hub city for the current expansion -OR- in the faction capitals of Stormwind/Orgrimmar.

I remember starting in Elwyn Forest as a newb and thinking how crowded Stormwind was when I finally got there through questing from L1 the very first time. It’d be quite a different feeling coming to this massive, but empty, city if the population simply was bound to a dozen different cities spread across the globe.

There’s a social aspect to the game that has the devs wanting us clustered together. Don’t know if that’s as applicable today as it was in Vanilla (or even in Cata when I started), but it still seems to be their design philosophy around “usable cities.”


I prefer Iron Forge or Exodar for a lot of things. It’s quiet in both of those places and I usually don’t have to worry about some attention starved nut trying to do something stupid.


Is this just going to become a thing in every new city? Valdrakken has one too :joy:


I’m getting IF meets Zandalar vibes from all that.


I’d love to see Iron Forge back to its glorious day of old when it was the happening hub to be at…it was wonderful…everything you needed was close by you didn’t have to go other side of huge city to get place to smelt ore or other things…all professions were right in circle hub around the big Forge.


Zandalar was a titan city too. We didn’t cover much of those titanforged. :scroll::robot:

edit: Also possible it belongs to another unseen Titan Watcher as even MOTHER wasn’t known to the Ulduar Titan Watchers. :crystal_ball::robot:


I’m a hermit. If my garrison had an AH and a direct portal to org you’d basically find me there whenever I wasn’t doing anything in particular.


You can get the AH for one of the buildings, and then rank 3 has the portal to the Horde city, which has portals to Orgrimmar.

One extra step but it’s possible

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Didn’t the AH take engineering?

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Maybe, I don’t recall. I remember needing to get parts for it, which I eventually bought on the AH.

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