More usable cities

Isn’t that a community problem? You go to SW because everyone is in SW, but nobody makes you guys stay there, but it’s just… The place where the players are.

Start a trend and make Boralus cool.


I like Boralus, but I’m disputing this.

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IF will always be BIS.


You still sometimes get people in other cities on Rp servers. There was a pretty big gathering in Gilneas on MG a few nights ago. I think it just kind of depends on the group you hang with. Bel’ameth has some people who hang out there.

I was at ironforge a few weeks ago learning portal spells on a mage and I was the only person in the city. I honestly feel bad for any of the new players who go to their capital city for the first time and find out it’s just an empty NPC hub outside of specific in game holidays

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It’s about time the OG gnomes get some love. They are one of the most neglected races in game. While I’d never personally play one, it’d be really cool to see what they could do with the city if they gave it some attention. And now with the mech gnomes on the team you could make them immune to radiation or whatever and have them scrub the zone/rebuild.
As a long time engineer it would be rad (from a RP perspective) to go to gnomeregon to learn the best/hardest recipes from the source. Have certain cities be the place an aspiring professional has to go to master their craft.
Gnomeregon for engineering, iron forge for BS/mining, the new world tree for herbs etc etc


I’ve written about this in several threads lately… I truly wish this game would better utilize its beautiful cities (and superior open world tech, for that matter). Cities are crucial to the world feeling alive, they should indeed have more uses, and be more inviting… I also hope they will be expanded and updated graphically, and that they will not have race or faction limitations as we’ve already seen with Gilneas and Belameth (and confirmed Silvermoon +revamp? for Midnight 12.0). Besides Silvermoon (hype), I want to hang out in Suramar and Dazar’alor (as a Night Elf). Why not let us do that?


I was a huge garrison nerd too and maxed mine out. AH, portal, shipyard hearth.
I’d might die from happiness if they ever expanded on the player housing idea.
Could combine it with elements from the class hall with race/class location options to make it feel less generic.
Night elf could have a hub in the world tree.
Draenei maybe that spaceship or DH in their version.
Have bosses drop “trophies” like the sw dragon heads to display, mannequins you could display you favor armor sets on
Could be amazing
I wish Blizzard wanted that easy W


There seems to be both a Dev, and (an extreme!) Community aversion to any idea wide, long-term or sand-box-y that would enhance the MMO part of WoW… at least around these parts, and especially as of late… :confused:

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The really people I feel sorry for are the Tuskarr, they have to walk or take a gripphon from the most southern most eastern tip of azure span to get to valkdrakken’s auction house

I’d like an update for orgrimmar and being in orgrimmar more. But all the content is not there so

We need to start battling threats on the home turf and around existing zones. The trend since Cata has been go to some new zone and fight whoever there. Would be really nice to revisit and protect our homes again. You could without a huge amount of effort train an in-house proprietary Ai to clean up textures and redo trees at scale. Yes you’d still need a dev to review and adjust/polish stuff, but there’d be some much good in making some of the amazing zones like deadwind and un’goro crater look incredible. Places like that have such a vibe to them. It’s a shame the graphical differences are so jarring and apparent, new players will never feel like exploring them in current state. (On top of there being no “reason” to)


Fully, 100% agreed. Gnomes being neglected is genuinely one of my biggest WoW pet peeves, because other MMOs do the “comedic relief short genius race” perfectly fine without excluding them from participating in the story and building up the setting.

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Ah, see I don’t think they have any of those

All the cool kids hang out with the ninja turtles in the Dalaran Sewers.

Okay yeah but then what’s the point of having any other city?

Really bad design considering this is an mmorpg. Would love for each city to have a sense of culture and purpose again.

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I like SW , but the first time I logged into wow almost 20 years ago IF gave me that (pardon the pun) “wow moment “ more than SW and more than the first time I tried horde and saw Ogrimmar

Thus IF as far as the game goes holds a special place in my nerd heart.

On a more practical note though I’m in SW drastically more than any other city. I like the starting zones around SW so I level any alliance toon there.

And all the services are in SW.

My guess is they want to concentrate people in a few cities to make the game seem alive and popular.

Iron forge is incredible from a fantasy aspect; where as stormwind, though amazing, is more or less just a typical kingdom. I’m also not a huge fan of the sections of the city all having the roofs a certain color, but whatever

It certainly made those places populated, but makes the world itself feel empty. At times Val has too many people. I think if other places had PvP vendors, vault etc
The world would feel more like a world.

Ironforge was the first Alliance city to have an AH. When SW got one everyone left IF in favor of SW.

Darnassus also has an AH and it’s always been dead. Dalaran doesn’t have one but has a portal to SW.

I think it would help, but I also think being central to so many portals in SW would out shine The Exodar either way.

If people want to hang out in IF it’s just 2 ports away. One to Boralus and one to IF.

I do wish Boralus had an AH though. It’s my favorite city and I’d love to hang out there more often.