More than 800 employees have signed an open letter to leadership

Oh so you weren’t going after OT, you were going after spam? Yes. You do seem to have a firm grasp of the rules.

Out of sight out of mind right. Just ignore it rather than talk about the issues at hand lol just get off the forums of you don’t like it

Open letter? More like “sign this or else you support abuse you dirtbag”

Kind of a gross position to put your neutral colleagues in tbh.

Unless it was just posted on a bulletin board or something, but we all know it would have been actively pushed on people.

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Wait, blizz has 800 employees? Customer service feels like only 2. What are the rest doing?

Oh it was rhetorical. They already said they ran out of flags for today.

I’m not sure what is more hilarious:

The fact that the poster behaved like a moderator

or the fact that they continued to believe they were a moderator

I listed things that need to happen. A few posts down from the one you quoted.

If this scandal doesn’t change their ways of shilling, then I don’t know what will. It’s kinda sad… :frowning_face:

If the employees don’t like the working conditions, they can leave. Why not just seek another job instead of suing the company?

Id like to know why this post was flagged for deletion and another thread that accuses all men as rapists and harassers hasnt been.

The mods here never surprise me.


They care about women as well.

Sorry to burst your Hate Bubble.

That’s easier said then done when they have families or bills that make them live from pay check to pay check.

I didn’t see anything close to shilling in their posts except a disgruntled person shocked that no one is accepting them as the leader of the forums.

Although, I’ve noticed that the usual shills have all but disappeared like they don’t exist. I barely see one or two of them when all of them used to be on 24 hour active defence duty.

Or, you know, they could work to improve the working conditions. And the employees aren’t suing the company, the state of California is. To force them to improve the working conditions. See how that works?


Idk, at this point, if someone flags a post like this and tries to derail the post, I consider it supporting Blizzards actions. But that’s just me.


No reason to flag this thread. OP is just bringing the news.


around 4,700 people as of 2012 and that was when it was last reported.

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I know…We are literally agreeing on the same thing.

Getting drunk and playing CoD apparently.

given the timeframe all this took place in, youd THINK theyd have been more intelligent than this, though.
Theres no way they didnt know about the investigation for two years.
If you knew you were guilty and you had two years to ‘do’ something, anything for damage control…Id hope any of us would be intelligent enough to know that getting ahead of it before it blows up allover the internet would be the smartest way to handle it.

6 months ago these clowns SHOULD have started working on letting players and investors know there was a pending case of harassment, etc and they were working day and night trying to remedy everything that caused the problems to happen.

Instead, like a petulant 6 year old child they stay in denial mode actually believing they wont be outed when it all hits the fan…

Hiring that new female to be the mouthpiece was the WORST thing they could have done short of committing the harassment to begin with.
That idiots ‘release’ made me feel they were even more guilty than i did before I read it. lol.

I usually dive right into any evidence I see on stuff like this and try to see where the accusations are coming from and anything else thats tied to the picture as a whole.
If it starts fitting together too well, something is wrong in Liddsville.
I hoped it was bogus at first, but the fact that they investigate that long and then brought a case did not bode well.
If they found nothing, then no filing should have resulted. I hate CA but I dont think theyre all idiots. lol.
When voices of current employees started joining the chorus…well, at that point you know the accusations have merit.

there are too many stories at this point, too many bliz employees, mostly who are innocent of any wrong doing…that tell us all this crap happened just as described.

Find a dead body and then find 10 people who know who the killer is and witnessed it all…it doesnt matter if the perp has a weapon or not and if there is no blood on his clothes. Witness testimony can put a man in a prison cell just as fast as fingerprints on a smoking gun.

For blizzard to think they could talk their way out of this just makes my eyes roll given all the evidence pointing to a guilty verdict and testimony to that effect of so many voices that KNOW what was going on.

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