More than 800 employees have signed an open letter to leadership


Iā€™m assuming by multiple people? Iā€™m all out of flags today. :frowning:



The tragedy.

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Whose character names start with the letter A and end with the letters erisala.

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Im notā€¦so there ya goā€¦

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Imagine flagging the voices of thousands of blizzard employees who are speaking out against sexual assault and suicide. Man I am sure glad you are not in charge of Blizzard.


I thought you had me on ignore? :slight_smile:

gets flagged just start a new topicā€¦ come on the people that mages the site are on strike atm

This is literally a discussion about the employees of blizzard you know the people that work on wow. This is 100% related to wow you just wanna keep your head in the sand.


Keep working for that MVP flair, you are almost there.

Aeri Aeri seek counseling for your denial ways. It really happened, its disgusting but Blizzard has frat boys.

I just looked at the list of threads and someone is asking about Salsa Verde and someone else about where to vacation. Perhaps if you feel its your duty to get rid of OT threads, this isnā€™t the most pressing one for you to address.

Of course, thatā€™s assuming you are telling the truth about your purpose here.


Pretty sure that was you.

When you find yourself digging yourself into a hole, the first step is to put down the shovel.

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ABK employees are straight savage Iā€™m here for it. I hope this pans out for them since it would show they can make more inherent changes in the company with unified action.

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Are we sure he isnt?

Dude, I donā€™t think anyone thought the Activision response was anything but a sterile corporate defense designed to try and defend the company in court. Itā€™s about as sincere and honest as a 3 dollar Bill. Same time however, thatā€™s what most corporations accused of impropriety do. The bad takes of the week are easily, Frances ā€œNeeds Deadpoolā€ Townsend, and Alex ā€œRespects No Oneā€ Klontzas.

One is a corporate political ideologue who marginalizes grievances, especially when it is more and more shifting from mere circumstantial evidence to widespread and long term abuse. You donā€™t reach the number of people that are talking without there being real problems.

The other is clearly an unprofessional guy who demands for respect and decency and then attacks the player base. You donā€™t get any from me, thatā€™s for damned sure. Not when you come at the players like that. Your sentiment was understood and I agreed with that much, but your presentation and wording sucked, and it showed me how little players mean to people like you.

I mean because we were ā€œTOTALLYā€ the cubicle crawlers who were getting drunk and sloshing through the office. Yep. We totally were the guys who were passing the work to others while we ā€¦playedā€¦ video games?

ā€¦Well thatā€™s awkward and strange.

I should say it would be if wasnā€™t just me being snarky and had no bearing on reality.

Honestly. I tried. I really, really effing tried. I ā€˜wasā€™ willing to wait on the evidence, I ā€˜wasā€™ willing to give them an honest chance to answer in court. But you know what? Guilty or Innocent, I donā€™t care anymore. Caustic pieces of crap like Frances and Klontzas show me two scenarios, and two extremes. No solutions.

Regarding the Lawsuit, I hate to say it but now I have to pass a preliminary judgment. Iā€™ve finally come to a point where I feel thereā€™s just too many cases of it. For once, the DFEH in California might be getting it right.

I say that mainly because at this point itā€™s gone past being a scenario where it could have been a few disgruntled employees seeking promotions; and now that daily I see something new on Twitter, itā€™s like looking at a colony of bugs that live under a rock which just got pulled up.

Like I said at the start, there comes a point when the circumstantial evidence gets too high and the sheer numbers show itā€™s not only behavior that was systemic, but that said behavior was normalized by the Developers who now seek cover by attacking their players. Pathetic.

Because of that, I think ā€œIā€ am done also now. Regardless of whether or not Blizzard gets their house in order, thereā€™s just too much and I am sick of logging in, staring at the character screen and then logging out.


Ah yes. You remind me of a certain holier than thou poster. You arenā€™t as good as him though so destroying your posts will be easy.

Letā€™s begin:

  • Whereā€™s your moderatorā€™s badge?
  • Do you feel good keeping the very topic you wanted gone at the top of the forums?
  • How do you feel knowing that you donā€™t own the forums?

I know theres a lot of threads in this forum that donā€™t seem to belong. Iā€™m just tired of seeing the same stuff about the same things. Isnā€™t there a megathread about all this or something? Its just every other minute someone is making a new post about this. Oh well. People are going to keep talking about it so no sense in me wasting time being frustrated about it.

No one cares because a random nobody is ā€œtiredā€ of seeing the same threads.

Leave the thread if you donā€™t like it.