More than 800 employees have signed an open letter to leadership

Hey! None of them are mine are they??? :wink:

Probably not ignore it but you can rest assured there will be a lot of vapid diversity meetings they force their staff to attend to try to absolve themselves

I absolutely agree.

But hopefully now, people can see they are of the same mind in the company. Once people realise that they are no longer a minority, but in fact a majority against the terrible minority, then they may be able to force some change.

A beehive can not function without its worker bees, and I have a slight feeling that blizzard currently will have trouble recruiting fresh blood.

The worker bees in this case, have the advantage.

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oh i didnā€™t realize there was more than one thread about this. iā€™ll just copy paste my comment then i suppose

good. whoever wrote that should have been the one to pen the initial response for the company, since whoever had that job failed miserably

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There ya go.
Kinda made me wonder about people who defend Actiblizzards bad BUSINESS practiceā€¦but mmmm ok.
Now theyre in here defending sexual harassment and worse when WE are part of the voices who are standing up for the abuse. This ISNT just about employeesā€¦paying customers SHOULD be slamming those who are responsible just as hard so they know they ARENT just going to fire a few dissidents and be done with it.

Toā€¦ you knowā€¦ source it?

Given how many people on GD just make stuff up, sources are typically good.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yeaā€¦ sureā€¦ whatever you say there buddy. Forgive me for wanting the WoW GD to be a little less overflowed with the same thing and a little more about the game itself. But not many here lately seem interested in talking about the actual game so yea what did I expect.

The world doesnā€™t revolve around you.


The things Iā€™ve seen discussed on General. Theyā€™d be going on it forever but maybe thatā€™s a good thing.

Please show me where I ever said I am defending sexual harassment. I never once said this and Iā€™m going to ask you to not lie about me again and say things I never said.

Well if you want to jump ship they got a good deal for the game that should not be mentioned

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Cracks me up. Company is falling apart. Well deserved.

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huh. That is a little worrisome when you think that theyve already proven they have little to no loyalty to the grunt workers, including devs.
Why would anyone want work for a company who treats employees like cattle and sex toys and then will lay them off during a record profit year just to give that kotic gent and investors a few more dollars.

Ah yes, just keep working and hope something happens.

No, man. If they stop working, they strong arm management into actually listening to them, put the pressure of angry consumers on them because thatā€™s the only thing soulless corporate husks understand.

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Hey hall monitor, did you know there is an entire subsection of this forum dedicated to gameplay? You should go check it out. Might lower your blood pressure.


Never said it did? Do you want to take something else out of nowhere and throw it at me again?

would have been interesting if all this dropped during the WFRā€¦ Like day 1

Regurgitation gets old after awhile Iā€™m going to come visit you and just repeat myself forever the simple answer quit. Yā€™all act like you got shafted as bad as no manā€™s sky shafted people. Thereā€™s no use no productiveness to this it in no way helps any victim. The only people who got shafted were employees not you or any other player. Before itā€™s all over with Iā€™m sure the victims will get so tired of all this if it actually goes to court. It is quite amusing alot of you seem to be social media users so bad you just follow the trend and think Iā€™m actually doing good regurgitation is cancer and thatā€™s all social media is as well as these forums in no way helping at all btw I am a girl do I think something happened ya but day after day after day

Aaaaaaand itā€™s flagged. Of courseā€¦ :roll_eyes:

I wonder by whoā€¦ :thinking: