More than 800 employees have signed an open letter to leadership

Every post isn’t for you. I’m interested, maybe you should use perception and recognize which topics you aren’t interested in. There are 100s of posts everyday I manage to ignore bc I’m not interested or don’t agree with.


yes…it ABSOLUTELY IS ABOUT THE GAME given that the accusations include people NOT working, but handing off work to the female employees so the men could go to the cigar room and play video games.
WE PAY for this game every month. If they cant WORK…yeah…anything that affects the game IS ABOUT the game.


Again, nobody is forcing you to read any topics you don’t want to. All you have to do is… literally nothing. Don’t click them. Read the gameplay threads.

Do you honestly believe that if this wasn’t the appropriate place for these discussions the mods wouldn’t move or delete them?


This is generally about the future of wow gameplay… Continue

blizzard will just ignore it.

Yes. Interestingly, Aerisala has been participating in these kinds of threads but now they are OT.

Nah. I think I’ll give my opinion if I want to. Why are you subbed to WoW if you don’t like the company that made it so much?

She should step down for her awful, disconnected statement. However, J. Allen Brack should also step down or be fired immediately. Heads need to roll and we haven’t seen any action yet.


jesus…I just hope that none of them are involved. I mean. turning a new leaf is great…but faking outrage when a woman is dead would be pretty sick.

…and the troll reveals itself. Bye!


fine…then stifle yourself when WE are making OURs, son.
The rest is NONE of YOUR business…

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Why particularly? Where does that come from?

just /ignore him. I am right now.

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No you came here to try to derail this thread and silence the voices of thousands of Blizzard employees who are trying to speak up against sexual assault and suicide. You already voiced your opinion here, flagged the post, while coming here on your own accord and then blaming us for doing it.


I’m not your son, son. :slight_smile: You’re just another for the mental ignore list.

Oh you sweet innocent thing… (joking)

Who cares?

Scared me there for a minute :flushed:


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And why do you insist on participating in threads that cause you so much heartburn?

You’ve gone from hall monitor to troll. Are you gonna aim for hypocrite next?


“Particular” is the exact opposite of “general”, you know…