More than 800 employees have signed an open letter to leadership

Exactly, they disagreed by the flagging the post, so move on.

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Typically, it’s pretty easy to get a sense of a thread based on the title. If you read the title and the mouseover introduction, and still choose to click the topic, that’s on you. You chose to read it.


this does not bode well for the company lol.


Not even upper management or the legal team will be able to ignore that.


They will lol… Time to outsource the work

I suspect the other 90% realize that in order to pay the bills, they need to do their jobs and not stand outside with signs for days or weeks. That helps no one, yet hurts everyone.

Blizzard should right the wrongs that have been made.

  • If any women are making less than their male counterparts, immediate raises to make them paid the same as the men.

  • Any current employees that were harassers get fired TODAY.

  • Offer any victims therapy paid for by Blizzard, on OFF WORK HOURS.

And make all employees sign a waiver saying in order to receive the above, they start back working IMMEDIATELY.

Let’s hope.


“To step down as Executive Sponsor of the ABK Employee Women’s Network”

They’re wanting her to step down from her role as sponsor of the Employee Women’s Network, not as her major role. They clearly don’t trust her to stand up for women–and rightfully so.


This is very related to the game.

The results of this situation are likely to have more impact on the game than any event concerning real people in the history of WoW (with the possible exception of the pandemic).

That aside, even Blizzard has taken the time to occasionally post about real world subjects and people, so they have set a precedent.


Only good can come from this.

Once we get the trash out of the company and some fresh blood who fingers crossed have a passion for gaming comes in and makes the changes we’ve been needing in wow.


“We stand with all our friends, teammates, and colleagues, as well as the members of our dedicated community, who have experienced mistreatment or harassment of any kind. We will not be silenced, we will not stand aside, and we will not give up until the company we love is a workplace we can all feel proud to be a part of again. We will be the change.”

Now…ActiBlizzion…make ANOTHER stupid move and start dismissing these 800 employees. lmao.
Everything else youve done to this point has either been an admission of guilt or a dismissal of the seriousness of the accusations


No. I came here to say it should be in an off topic forum. THIS forum should be about WoW (gameplay particularly). Instead it has turned into a newspaper of regurgitated headlines.

Sadly, it could be both incompetence and dishonesty.

Blizzard needs a change in leadership and direction.


mind your own business.


Go start some more threads on what you want to talk about then. The thing is GD is, in fact, for discussion that is generally about the game which this is. Off-topic is for things like hey I just bought a horse, does anyone know a good boarder? You see… actually OT.

I think the real reason you don’t like this topic is that you have been rebuffed in many similar threads in which you participated over the past few days.


Good wind employees of Blizzard.

This kind of action I can 100% get behind.

I may often give you crap, but this is the good stuff I like to see. Standing together, keeping each other safe, gets me a little teary eyed.

Keep it cool Blizz.


Then mute the ones you don’t want to read.


i stand corrected. lol.
I wrongly assumed it had to be one OR the other :rofl:

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An article about employees on the WoW team is relevant to the game. It doesn’t say gameplay discussion at all. It’s general discussion. If mods feel it needs moved, they have that power.


Exhibiting a misunderstanding of what happened prior to the suit being filed.


Do you know what that means?

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