More Representation on the Horde Council

I think that could be a good way to do it. They could have speakers/representatives/ambassadors that aren’t full-fledged members of of the council but still have a voice in it.


Lol feudal the high king doesn’t own any lands of the other races


Oh dear, someone didn’t look any further than the “simple wiki” definition?

Doesn’t change the fact that the members of the alliance are sovereign nations it’s like you didn’t play bfa


Yeah maybe, the Alliance is poorly defined enough that you might be right. But an alliance of sovereign nations is also not a council and I’m afraid the only evidence you’ve provided is that these “sovereign nations” are able to decide how many soldiers they send when the High King that they’ve bent their knees for calls for war.


okie, you dont even have evidence, so I have more, I mean you said the alliance is poorly defined, it really isnt.


Well, I mean, I have Tyrande dropping the knee and swearing an oath of fealty to the King of Stormwind.

See you claim that, but then it turns out you only have a single quote that fails to prove what you said it would.

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Tyrande never done that lol

Tyrande Whisperwind says: I see that now. Our strength is yours to command, High King. May this be the first of many victories.

I bolded the important words for you.


I dont see that bending the knee? and they are in the alliance lol, thats big headcanon


In an Alliance you command your own forces. Or, on a situational basis, you appoint a military commander to better coordinate.

What Tyrande did was give her forces and strength to a man she now calls her High King.


No, she calls him high king, but not “her” high king.
and a high king uses the troops donated to him by the other nations.
She could take her support any day she wanted.

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its like you dont know what a supreme commander is


She sure could, which is very much in line with the management of the 13 states under both the Articles of the Confederacy and the United States Constitution prior to our adoption of a standing army. It’s also in line with the legal obligations of the princes of the Holy Roman Empire. What it is not, is proof of sovereignty and it’s definitely not proof of the existence of a council.

The question becomes, could she declare war independent of Anduin without leaving the Alliance? Could she declare war on a fellow member of the Alliance without leaving the Alliance. The states under the Articles of Confederacy could do both, as could the princes of the Holy Roman Empire. The states under the United States constitution could not. Under all three systems of government, the states and princes could fully manage their domestic affairs. None of them would be considered sovereign.

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the alliance isnt a empire lol, its like nato, and people leave the alliance all the time, like dalaran.


See you keep saying that, but in the end, the only thing you can prove is that Tyrande is given a choice on how many troops to provide when the High King decides to go to war.

I mean you just keep bring up things from not in the game, like theres no evidence there dude. Like why does britian mattter, the alliance isnt britian. Dalaran has in fact come and gone from the alliance a few times in the story. And if you want, we can talk about what the devs, say, and sorry but the word of god doesnt agree with you either as was already posted in this thread


Yes, I have made it clear that you should provide what the devs said.

Also, I didn’t use Britain as an example.

Scroll up, already posted it

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Oh, so the one thing you quoted that I’ve already addressed. Never mind, I thought you had something relevant.