More Representation on the Horde Council

I’m not really sold on the idea of the Horde being led by a council instead of a warchief. But it might be more interesting if additional Horde factions are represented on it instead of just the playable ones.

I’d love if there was representation for the Frostwolf Clan, Warsong Clan, Dragonmaw Clan, Revantusk tribe, Shatterspear tribe, Grimtotem tribe (more aloof than the other tauren tribes), Stonemaul Clan, Dunemaul Clan, Outland Mag’har, Mok’nathal Clan, Taunka, and Grookin Tribe (Forest Hozen)!

It looks pretty unimpressive here but there’s a good deal of room for more!


I think anymore and blizzard wont be able to ever use the council in a story. Specially if you think about future allied races


That’s true. I’m mostly just hoping for more NPC representatives to be added somewhere just for flavor, whether it’s the embassy or Grommash hold or a different spot. I agree it would be way too unwieldy to try to work them all into the narrative.

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The city should have stuff like that, favor is always good.


Could do what the Zandalari does and still have representatives of the other Nations, just not a seat on the council. Sort of a like a House of Representatives, though more like an embassy. An entire senate might be too ambitious.


But can the Alliance be run by a Council like it’s supposed to be, and not a Blue Warchief?

Like seriously, how did we get to the point where the Horde has a better represented council than the friggen Alliance?


It is a nice start. I’m not sure about all the individual Troll Tribes, but the Allied Races at the very least.


I really hope the Alliance gets a council too. And if they do, I’m going to make a very similar post asking for representation for the Frostborn, Stillpine tribe, Blackmaw tribe, Blackwood tribe, Stromgarde, Dalaran, Bloodfang pack, Quel’dorei remnants, Lordaeron remnants, Kurenai, Pearlfin tribe, and Broken Exiles. =)


The alliance already has one lol,

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Err. They most certainly do not? Anduin is at the top of the food chain; that is not a council by any stretch of the imagination.


THe high king isnt the king of the alliance, so no you are wrong, genn and tyrande can do and do what they want with there own forces, the devs have said multiple times how the high king works, if yall dont want to understand thats on you.


… Yes, it is.

Genn and Tyrande can most certainly do whatever they want, but that’s because Anduin realises that he’s a kid leading multiple races that have many hundreds of times more years on him.

Kindly link any of this fiction as evidence.

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No its not, mezten and alex have said otherwise

The role is not about faction-wide political control,[[4]] but something related to military control similar to [Anduin Lothar]('s former position as Supreme Allied Commander.[[5]] The High King only has control over the forces given to him, and leaders who don’t like his calls can choose not to commit their forces.


Oh, okay. Fair enough.

The thing is, except for the one situation where Tyrande and Genn take their Forces to Darkshore (which is something I loved btw) the Alliance almost only move per the whims of the High King. I understand it’s supposed to be treated as a Military Role, but it’s treated more like a Blue Warchief then anything.

Right now, the Alliance feels like less of an Alliance than the Horde does after the War, which is an issue.

Like I said, the Horde now has a better represented Council than the Alliance. Just about every time there is a gathering of Alliance leaders in BfA, it’s Anduin laying out his plans, with his ideas with no deliberation. I get it’s a Military Position (which he realistically shouldn’t have inherited, huge glaring flaw on Blizzards end), but we don’t even see him taking military advice from… anyone.

And he has Generals and Commanders that have fought wars for thousands of years.


The horde isnt not represented better at all, the alliance has had more meetings where everyone gets together to talk about events than the horde, this is fact and a thing thats been going on since wrath. Anduin is laying down military plans because he is leading the armies for them, yet every time they are talking about non military things they are all there. Yall just comfirmation bias up in here. Like really the horde Just Got there council and your telling me its better, with one meeting, out of the alliance’s five or six.

People just need to get over the fact that blizzard picked anduin as high king, so what if he is, if tyrande had the role, it would be literally the same thing, just cause you don’t like a character doesnt make the role not what its suppose to be, and it defs dont make a fresh thing that the horde literally just got better, for all we know the horde council gets ignored from now on and baine is the de facto leader.


The Horde Council chambers need to be a giant banquet hall. And all matters of Horde government are argued about over dinner.

Like the Horde’s Legion epilogue, but with more people.


Still not a council. That’s feudalism with a weak monarch and well in line with something like a newly minted “high king.” It’s still the high king deciding who the Alliance acts against, how the Alliance employs those forces that it marshals, and the details of any peace accord reached with the Alliance as a political entity.

If it were a council, the subjects of High King Wrynn would have political weight to use against him in the above decisions that goes beyond deciding how many troops to send when he puts out the order.


I’d like if they had a throne council room like Iron-Forge does.

I think that the Warcheif/High King roles being vacated (or not re-claimed, in the Horde’s case), would work well as an act of de-escalation, on both sides.

In the case of the Horde, I like the idea of a council, coupled with the further character cusomisation options that’s coming. It would allow for more depth in the races of the Horde, and actually show which (for example) of the Troll, Orc and Tauren clans actually belong to the Horde, allowing for both characters and NPCs to show individual identity within not just the horde, but within their own race.

In the case of the Mag’har, in particular, we could see some character growth through interactions between MU orcs and Mag’har of the same clan.

On the flip-side, it could make for a very crowded council, and so it’s practical use for decision making (how the Horde acts as a whole) could become a nightmare. Not sure how this would then be solved.

The Alliance is much simpler, most of their races are essentially single tribes, and so representation becomes easier. The only tribes not represented (that I can think of) as a primary or allied race, are the Wild Hammer Dwarves and Stromgarde Humans, which can be solved with character customisations (like it or not, Dalaran is now just a city and not a nation, which is home to a neutral organisation made up of both Horde and Alliance representation).

It could even be an opportune time to re-introduce the people of Alterac (given that some on this forum seem to want to overturn that particular stone). The forgotten nephew, Isiden Perenolde, returns. But not to reclaim his kingdom, rather to encourage those of his people that either fled to other nations, or renounced the Syndicate, to step out of the shadows and re-join the Alliance. It gives Blizz another future villain-bat option, or simply for the sake of adding to the lore/story (crazy, I know).


I really hope to see more in the council. The NPCs like Taunka and Ogres deserve representation(though, I am not betting on it). At the moment, looking at dialogue, it is seemingly all playable racial leaders.

That being said, it very likely includes: Rokhan, Gazlowe, Lilian, Geyarah, Thrall, Lor’themar, Ji, Baine, Mayla, Talanji, Thalyssra and now Kiro.

Maybe not, but that is my guess. We also have dialogue of Velonara being at least nearby the meeting, if not in it. So truly, who knows who is in it. I just agree entirely that there should be more representation…I really wanna see Taunka. And play Taunka. and see Roanauk kick some butt.