It’s okay that you’re wrong. Just learn from it.
what discord do the devs read
Uhhh, I’m not sure, but there was that one dev who’d sometimes chat with people in the Rogue cord.
Also one from DK discord and heard of others. I don’t think there’s any guaranteed way to talk directly with them unless someone made note of their discord handles, but it seems to be much more likely you get their ear there there than this dump. Also seen devs responding to people on twitter in the past.
I think that might be the same guy. I can def see why they aren’t the easiest to get direct hold of because imagine the DMs of the pve or pvp devs just being like “hi buff my spec pls”.
I’m surprised EU is more dead than NA, they usually brag about how much more serious they take WoW and how much more active they are.
Didn’t they cut off Russia?
I pretend to have a customer support problem and when they respond that’s when I hook ‘em and make them discuss balance with me.
oh ok I didn’t know they did that
idk about bragging, wasn’t it just blatant numbers? They had way more players for a really really long time.
They definitely need to boost healer MMR a substantial amount in RSS.
is this your schtick
you’re an insider dev that’s hiding on a classic alt, like blizzard wouldn’t be capable of knowing exactly who you are? is that the game you’re playing?
what a weird way to troll lmfao