More Pirate Transmog

I’ve wanted the models in this article since they were first datamined well before the release of Battle For Azeroth, specifically the side-Bicorns for the Freehold Crews, the black side-bicorn with the skull and crossed swords (Fogsail pirates) or the updated 3D model for the First Mates Hat.
Sadly, after the release of Battle for Azeroth, featuring Island Expeditions, a Pirate City Dungeon, and two naval powers vying for dominance, all that we recieved from this expansion were three tricornes, and three more bicornes, all incidentally in Red or Blue, Or Grey if you believe Sylvanas is a morally grey character.

I had hoped at release, that these hats would be cosmetic, and rare drops from the pirates of Freehold, both the zone and the 5-man dungeon, or from any of the skeletal Zandalari Troll Pirates skulking around the ruins of Zem’Lan.

All that was on offer September 19th, 2018, was 50% off the Dreadwake mount, and Captain Crackers, a shop pet and mount I already owned.

The aforementioned tricorns didn’t appear until shortly before Blizzcon, 2018, which I attended (unrelated note, it was fun).

Well between then and now, I have posted multiple threads, asking that these items be featured as cosmetics for transmogrification, but to no avail. Going to post my suggestions here, in hopes that someone sees this thread, or any of the countless others, on the forums.

At the very least, make the old version of the First Mates’ Hat, more or less a novelty at this point, cosmetic, and not cloth. This was already done for a number of other hats with old or dated models, so why not this particularly unique hat?

At the very most, implement a vendor, possibly tied to the Darkmoon Faire, possibly hanging out with Chester, the vendor that offers the elegant suit and dress transmogs, that sells the new model hats for Darkmoon tickets.

Alternatively, you could add cosmetic loot to Ol’ Earie this year, the Shark boss that appears on Pirates’ Day, such as the Pirate costumes, or a toy similar to the ‘Barrel O’ Bandannas’ or the ‘Barrel O’ Eyepatches’, ‘The Chest O’ Pirate hats’ that has the same functionality as the Chest from the Horde quest where you infiltrate the Fogsail Pirate’s Harbor in Tirasgarde Sound and invite them to the Horde. Click it and you get a Pirate costume.

Until they’re in the game, as cosmetic items available to players through gameplay, I’m not interested in whatever Activision-Blizzard is trying to sell me.
Keep your Covenants, Keep your Soulbinds, Keep your planes of reality based on intangibles like light and shadow, life and death, your Epic Back-Tombstones, and your 3 ranks of Seraph wings.

All I want, all I ever wanted since I made this Kul’Tiran Outlaw Rogue, was a good side-Bicorn.

I was hoping we would get this in Legion, with Outlaw being turned semi-pirate I was expecting some hardcore pirate tier sets. Dashing Scoundrel was really well done as it blended the class theme with pirates.

Maybe we could get a pirate reputation faction to get transmog sets from after getting exalted in the future or turn Shark Week into a mini-holiday for WoW with some cosmetics.