Obviously you haven’t played with RR. They’re a very strong and equally as casual PvP community
Of the few times I’ve seen them raid Duro, their numbers are almost always padded with other guilds. They don’t seem very strong at all
Obviously you haven’t played with RR. They’re a very strong and equally as casual PvP community
Of the few times I’ve seen them raid Duro, their numbers are almost always padded with other guilds. They don’t seem very strong at all
Ibbulus I’m glad you mentioned this.
Thank you for backing me up against Celornka with the hybrid straw incident. Respekt.
He’s talking about a wargame not a random game.
I love you. Now it’s your turn.
Hello, Kringe.
Thanks for clarifying.
Also, maybe you should que up more than once a week, and maybe que for all epics as opposed to spec quing AV. You know we’re out and about everynight. I’m sure we’d see more of each other.
I’ve been trying to blink back into her heart for some time now but I won’t quit her. Our leader Miz is a ruthless and low IQ tyrant so I can’t see those changes being made.
Let’s make the wargame feature great again. It’s not a good thing fighting pugs in these large groups.
Love, Kringle
I vote Amaquis as the new Hirav
and Icculus is the little hype man…
these guys are awesome. I have been entertained!
We know.
By the way, since we now have xfaction, did they fix the wargames bug where you would rez in the wrong GY if you weren’t the correct faction? This could pose a problem.
I don’t know who Hirav is, but sure. Like it’s going to change anything?
Can I vote for you as “Big Laz Fanboy 2025”?
Another delusional sync queue premader like yourself ‘not worried in the slightest about Blizzard doing something about sync queueing,’ yet doing everything possible to derail, dismiss, and silence anyone who expresses frustration with it.
Sounds like a cool guy.
It’s not all that random though. You queue at the same time and it’s going to put you in the same group more often than not because the system needs to fill 'em 40 at a time.
Get rid of joining as a 5 person and we’ll just solo queue and still get the same 15-25 players into the same EBG’s and still be on Discord.
Not sure what you all are expecting here, but the whole thing just seems quixotic to me. Hey, keep tilting at those windmills. It’s good entertainment.
Get rid of joining as a 5-person and we’ll just solo queue and still get the same 15-25 players into the same EBGs
Presumably if Blizz actually does this (they wont – no idea why you’re bringing up getting rid of 5-man groups), then it would be reportable. Whether they follow up on those reports is a different story, but the precedent would be established.
And just as an aside – we are well aware that this is basically a game of whack-a-mole. You guys will work tirelessly to find the next method to reliably win games
It’s not that buggy but one sure way of doing it is to have everyone same
Faction on a team.
Hence why more and more people are saying bans need to happen. You don’t actually care about the game or what blizzard has to say, you are straight up saying no matter what you will always exploit.
I’m saying no matter what we’ll play as a group. How you want to frame it is your concern.
Right… but nobody is saying you shouldn’t be allowed to play as a group. We are saying you shouldn’t be allowed to exploit.
Hey Celornka! Want to pick our straw convo back up from the other day? I have some new material I want to try out.
From the exploiters? Denial, dismissiveness, dodging, anything to avoid accountability. AKA, what you’re already doing.
From Blizzard? Communication and acknowledgment of the issue.
You are right. It’s against the code of conduct.
You are not playing as a coordinated group in wow terms, that would be a 5 man, you are playing as a coordinated raid. But you know that.
It’s sad that people who are for this can’t just be straight forward and honest. Say it’s a raid and until blizzard stops it you are gonna do it. Stop trying to justify what you are doing. If you believe it is right why are you trying so damn hard to justify it here. Just stand on the fact they allow it. The word games and silly posturing is really pointless.
You think this good for the game fine, we think it is bad. Argue the good rather than the minutia if you believe it.