More people will play your game if there is no premades in random bg's

I got healers I will show up and kick some butt.

Hilarious because you leave BGs more than anybody. Queue into another premade? Leave. Over and over. Until one of your alts gets “lucky” and lands into a totally unorganized group of bots/nobodies and nobody of noteworthiness or skill. You’re the one who has to log out to get on alts in rotation on Discord by leaving queues. I only left a couple BGs when this expansion FIRST STARTED. Thats it. Ever. Youre just river trash at PvP in this game. Period.

Oh and you literally quoted when I was talking about 1v1’ing this one dork in PvP who has tried to land even 1 kill on me since the release of shadowlands, who I just so happened to farm. Nice try though.

Also thanks for mentioning the person in that quote I was talking to, as it just so happens he was caught today being similar to you. Shoutouts to @Joker-Andorhal for being caught in a premade regular random BG with Bri, and someone else everyone around here knows. Guess I will show that hilarious garbage off too when I get back home from work. Joker Bri and someone else I won’t name right now were literally caught pre-made in BGs. Where I always farmed him.

The very conversation you quoted… lmfao its almost like fate wants to smack you and him both around all night long. As soon as his pre-made team saw me land in their team, they literally said it’s too bad Lazarus isnt on the other team. Lmao. This is way too easy.

They wanted some 3 vs 1 type nonsense vs. Me. Oh but but too bad. RNGesus wasn’t on his side today. He had to deal with me being on his team, after the couple years I farmed him. He was so upset that I randomly got placed into his team premade, that he told the whole team not to heal me. I was still stomping and winning. The EOTS match obviously went 1500 to 0. Thats what they do. Outside of their premades, they are farmed, and hate it. Hey Joker and Bri, let me know when you’re done trying to be Kennie 2.0, and spending 1,500 dollars per season, purchasing the company of players far above you from websites.

They thought I would leave the match if nobody healed me lmao it was sad. They wanted to record and stream it. Didnt even die at all. His cognitive and soul were harmed by me wiping the other team out and covering bases on his team. Funny thing is, if I was on the other team when that happened today, I would have a lot of footage of him losing to me as usual. He will stay with premades in regular BGs in order to make up for lack of skill and now I know who all is on his Discord friend list lmfao.

By the way, I was just kidding about not mentioning the other person. Metz was part of the pre-made. They’re just as sad as someone like you lmao.

and dunk on pugs thinking you guys are actually good? sounds incredibly boring to me


some of us dont need to cheat to enjoy the game. we enjoy a challenge.


Oh no, “Big Laz” got me :rofl:.

I’ll be honest, I stopped reading you wall of text after your first sentence because it was incorrect.

…We don’t leave when we’re up against other premades.

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… We don’t leave when we’re up against premades

I swear there was a whole conversation about how you and other people specifically dodge BSG.


No, you simply wouldn’t show up at all. You guys were extreme cowards for the entire 2024 calendar year.

1 Like Here is the last wargame DJL accepted from DJLs perspective. Listen to everyone’s excuses, and just the way you talk amongst each other. Listen to the " camaraderie" LOL.

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Wargame… One year ago LOL

We have played against several other premades since then. What the heck even is this? This comical. Very outdated.

Its funny how you defend someone who doesn’t care about you at all LOL

DJL has done no other wargames. Edit: Let’s do a modern one. SPM vs DJL 2 . !

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We’ve done wargames with RR within the year.

So yeah… Wrong.

You guys are the same community in the end but I stand corrected. I did not know this. Anyway, put my Wargame request to discord vote. Community Wargame SPM vs DJL Mak’gora! Loser community disbands!

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lol rr is pugs though. all the good players left so ofc u fight them


I’m all for war games, but I don’t see the reasoning behind disbanding a community…

I’m going to keep doing what I enjoy, which is playing with my community. War games are always fun!

Obviously you haven’t played with RR. They’re a very strong and equally as casual PvP community. Always a pleasure running with or against them!

i am in rr and avm. rr is still pugs, meso even says so. but dont let my reality ruin ur imagination

and as avm, we always take the rr pop because its a win lol

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Okay fine. A regular wargame will suffice :slight_smile:

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What are you even on about??

We played SPM a couple weeks ago.

You only que Mondays and specifically for AV, so its very hit or miss.

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They couldn’t even fix Brawl: Shado-pan blitz to work for the entire time we have been on this xpac and still put it into a weekly rotation over blitz. If they cannot even get the bare minimum done of fixing a game mode to actually work I really don’t think they care about the premade debacle we have going on now. They stink and are lazy about pvp unless it is the arena world championships.

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