More options, good and evil

I think I speak for lots of players when I say, we don’t want to be azeroth’s champion, we want to go back to Azeroth and stop with the world ending threats, I also think we as players would be much happier if we had the option to chose between good or bad, what I mean by this is we could maybe join the villain’s side. For example: if the Scarlett crusade made a comeback maybe some players would like the option of joining, we don’t always have to save the day, I think it would be a very interesting dynamic and something different that the game needs.


Well even the bad guys don’t want Azeroth blown up while there still on it. So yeah even bad guys will save the day cause it makes no logical sense to self destruct with a dying planet. Unless you chose to be a mad man with no care for one’s self.


Well he did suggest he wanted to join the Scarlet Crusade :dracthyr_tea:

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RPG’s with impactful choices and satisfying evil paths already exist. Just go play Baldurs Gate bro.

I know, I just think it would be interesting to see something like this in wow. I think many players would enjoy it.

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Not really a feasible option in an MMO. They toyed with it a bit in BfA with letting you side with Sylvanas, but ultimately there has to be a canonical winner of any given conflict and after that you either have to delete your character or have it slink unsatisfyingly back into the fold.

The point of “evil” organizations is that they aren’t sustainable. They consume themselves until they ultimately either collapse or fall to outside forces delivering the inevitable consequences of their actions.


Would cater to the traditional RPG aspect of things for sure…get to pick if you’re a good guy or a villain without the BS of how Alliance are seen as heroes and we Horde demonized as villains when that’s not what some of us play that side to be

Interesting, maybe something along the lines of an anti-hero could work.

Haven’t there been unhinged “bad guys” that just want to “burn it, burn it all down!”? :thinking:

Why would it be fun to lose every expansion’s story?

I like to be so underdog that I’m subterranean, bro

There is a joke or tie-in to TWW here. But I am tired.

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I was thinking more grabboids

I’m ready

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While they are still on the same planet they want to destroy? Thats like being a suicide bomber. Or Light yourself on fire to light a building on fire. But I guess there is people that unhinged.

Most bad guys wait for a way of escape before planning destruction so they don’t die with it.

So you want another thing for blizz to half do, then abandon after a while and leave the character in the “evil” path and locked out of the story that they no longer support? Coming to a Cash shop near you “Character Redemption Scroll” only 40.00 USD :smiley:

Side factions…with alternate PvP kill targets, maybe I murder Alliance who aren’t down with the Crusade? I’m 1,000% down for that.

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The problem is twofold.

In WoW, players don’t drive the story. NPC’s do. Good/Evil stories can’t really be meaningful if our actions have no real impact on the outcome.

Because this is a MULTIPLAYER game, the story is largely limited by the format of the game. Fundamentally story cannot get in the way of gameplay, an example of which is Horde players being “forgiven” (or more accurately forgotten) for their participation in Teldrassil as Night Elf NPC’s being hostile to them would have locked out a large portion of story in both Shadowlands and Dragonflight.

And the second point loops back into the first. Because we can’t fundamentally change the impact of the story, when Blizzard DOES do a choice, it becomes ultimately cosmetic.

A recent example being whether you’re a loyalist or a rebel for or against Sylvanas.

You get some dialogue or a cosmetic depending on your path, but ultimately Saurfangs rebellion was successful and Sylvanas was removed from her position of Warchief which THEN loops back into the second point of “well, what did that actually mean for anyone?” and the answer to that is absolutely nothing, as the game defaults to you being opposed to Sylvanas because to remain loyal to her would prevent your character from doing too much content.

Whereas in CRPG’s, those choices do have meaning. In Wrath of the Righteous, the first major choice you get is basically “where do you wanna get your power from”, where you can side with good aligned aspects (angels, good-aligned fae), neutral (chaos, order) or evil (Demons or Undeath), if you side with evil aligned aspects and become a lich, some of your companions will just straight up turn against you and you get unique companions. And the end state can range between “you fixed the problem and everyone lived happily ever after” to “you didn’t actually fix the problem, just kinda changed what the problem is”.

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Or yall could just daydream your own stories

Expecting blizz to program consequences for every action of good and evil is silly.

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